Chapter 10: A break between two "friends"

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Min Ho's perspective:

After that encounter with Y/N, I was distracted the rest of the day. I got a suit, however I was so distracted that I forgot my credit card!

"Dude it's all good, I'll pay right now and you can pay me back later." Thomas told me.

"Thanks bro." I replied but I was still thinking of how I could've changed the conversation between Y/N and I.

"Are you okay Min Ho?" "You seem distracted." Liam said.

"Uh yeah I'm alright, just thinking about someone."

"You like someone?" "Who?" Demanded Thomas and Liam at the exact same time.

"Nobody." I muttered.

"If you're thinking so hard about someone, it has to be someone, not not one." Thomas remarked.

"I thought you didn't care about any of the girls you hung out with."

"I don't!" "I just, I don't know."

"Confused about love?"

"I guess?"

"Who is it!!!" Liam begged.

"I'll give you a clue, her last name ends with a s."

"Really man?" "That ain't funny there's hundreds of girls at kiss at billions of girls in the world!" Liam explained impatiently.

"Exactly." I grinned.

"You're impossible." Liam sighed.

"Anyways guys I'm just going to head back to my dorm now, see you at class tomorrow." I said.

"See you man." Liam and Thomas both said.

I walked out with my bag and went inside a taxi to drive me home.

What could I have done differently? Maybe I shouldn't have tried to separate them. I just wanted Y/N to explore her options.

This is so frustrating! I've never felt anything like this before and I dislike it! I liked being a player and just hanging with a different girl each day. Relationships are complicated and heartbreaking!

"Q, where's Dae?" I asked as I walked into our living room.

Q was sitting on the couch with a chemistry book in his hand.

"I don't know, he left ever since he and Kitty talked."

"How did the conversation go?"

"I'm not sure but he looked kind of confused while coming out, didn't answer my questions."

"Hm, what's up with him?" I wondered.

"The real question is.. what's going on with you and Y/N?"

"I dunno, she found out that I did something really bad and she's like super pissed at me."

"Oh god." "What did you do?"

"It wasn't that serious." I started.

"What did you do?"

"I was looking out for her!"

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO!" Q yelled. Slamming his book on the coffee table.

"Geez dude fine I'll tell you!"

"Basically, I kind of did a really bad thing that wrecked Y/N and Noah's relationship ." I started.

"Min Ho, you did not."

"I did actually, I cancelled Y/N's date to make her mad at Noah figuring they will then break up and then she will be available." I continued.

"So you do like her?"

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