Chapter 20: Trying to let go

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Min Ho's perspective: I still like her. I couldn't help it. But it was obvious she didn't see me that way. I need to let her go. She deserves someone else way better then me and more incredible. I promised to myself that I'll try to keep a distance between me and her.

I walked my way to my last class, and took out my notebook. It was a work period in English since we were writing essays. I was busy typing out my ideas when Chloe walked over and sat next to me.

"Hey, you want some company?"

I peered over at Q who gave me a thumbs up.

"Sure, that'll be nice." I mumbled.

She smiled brightly and sat next to me with her book bag. She opened her pencil case which was filled to the brim with makeup.

She started to apply her lipstick and all her other products while watching me work.

"What's your topic going to be about Min Ho?" She asked in a flirty voice.

I smirked. "Guess what I'm gonna be writing about." I whispered.

She touched my shoulder with her fingers softly, while chuckling.

"Global warming?"

I shook my head slowly. "No." While playing with her hair. She had long, thick, dark brown curls.

She inched closer to me and touched my face playfully. "Feminism?"

I shook my head once again. "No." While still staying eye contact with her.

"It's got to be about me then." She flirted and watched my face for my reaction.

"Haha, very funny." I mocked. I returned to typing and she continued to apply makeup.

As she was applying her mascara, she asked me another question.

"Are you single?"

My eyes were wide open and she stared at me carefully.

I quickly adjusted my seating position. "Yeah." I replied casually, trying to not sound hurt.

Her eyes flickered. "I thought you and Y/N were a thing or something." She mumbled, still applying her mascara onto her thick eyelashes.

I shook my head lightly. "We're just friends." "There's nothing going on between me and her."

Her smile only got bigger. "Oh?" "Well I would love to hang out with you tonight."

I grinned. "Me too." "How about you meet me outside of the school's entrance at 6?" "I'll pick you up in my Lamborghini."

"Sounds good, hottie." She gave me a flirty wave before walking back to her seat.

That tracks.

Q walked over to the empty seat and sat down eagerly. "Dude, seems like your getting over Y/N pretty easily." He laughed.

My smile disappeared quickly but I tried to recover. "What?" "What do you mean?"

Q inched closer. "I mean, you haven't even paid any attention to Y/N at all today." "Remember in Chem?" "She was looking at you but you were busy talking with Chloe."

"Hey!" "She was the one who was talking to me, besides she doesn't even like me so I need to move on." I defended myself.

"Who cares?" "Why don't you run after Y/N if you still like her."

"Stop." I got up and started packing since the bell rang. "I have to stop until I get all caught up and get my heart broken." "See you later Q." I jogged to tutoring class where I have to tutor Y/N.

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