Carl Makes A Move pt2

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Jude's POV
I prepared the bed for carl. I feel really bad for carl about his parents and his having a tough time. But i still cant believe that he kiss me and he told me he liked me. I just feel that it was a mistake having him here but i know that his a good guys he wont try anything tonight. But i have to discuss him about the kiss.

Hey um carl umm about what happen earlier can we not tell anyone especially connor please? -jude

Yes sure and umm im sorry didnt expect that you have a boyfriend so it actually my fault for kissing you. -carl

No its okey you didnt mean it and i know that if you knew about me and connor than you wont do that right -jude

Yes of course -carl

I turn the lights off. After an hour i hear crying so i check on carl.

Hey carl are you alright? -jude

Yes im just thinking about my parents thats all im just worried that they might split up and i dont know who to live with -carl

Well they didnt really split yet so maybe time will make them okey again -jude

Yeah i just want something that can make me forget about them just for one so that i wot get hurt -carl

What do u want water or what do u want to play video games? -jude

Well i just remembered that my dad ask me to by him some beer when i was about to leave i forget to drop it off its in my bag and i have two bottles do you want to drink with me? -carl

What no! Getting drunk is not the solution here carl! -jude

Just for now jude just for now -carl

Carl stood up heading to his bag took the bottle of beers and opened it

Just take a sip just drink with me. You can even not finish it -carl

Noooo!!! Carl i will not!! drink all you want im going back to sleep -jude

Jude stood up angrily than carl grab his hand and pull him back with him

I said drink it jude!! - carl

What no release me carl ur hurting my hand -jude

If you wont drink this than i will tell the whole school that you are gay and you and connor are BF-carl

How dare you? You promise me you wont! Who cares tell them all i dont care i love connor and both of us can make this through together -jude

Yeah i know but what if i tell connor i kiss you and you kiss back and i have a video to prove it -carl

No you dont! -jude

Yes i do i plan it all along when u get some towel for us i place my cellphone on the couch facing us and turn the camera on and video us the whole time we made out. -carl

What you planned this? -jude

Yes and how will connor feel that i kiss u and you kiss back and i know for sure you like it!! -carl

Jude was scared

And if u try to shout to wake your family than one click just to send it to all the people in our school including connor. -carl

Jude grab the bottle he was shaking and take a sip

Good2x drink some more -carl

Wait just delete the video. Let me see that you delete the video and il drink with you please just delete that and dont tell anyone please -jude

Carl deleted the video

It was almost 1a.m and i drunk almost half of the beer and its my first time drinking and carls bottle was not even close to half and i sip one more and i feel so dizzy and i did not speak to carl i was so mad at him but he keeps on grabbing my hand i pull back he kisses my cheeks and kisses my lips but i just sit there hopeless. I just dont want connor to be hurt. The only way is just go with what carl wants and maybe he will just forget what happens he got what he want gets to drink and kisses me. And im just trying to hold on trying not to pass out cause im afraid his gonna do something to me if i pass out. My head started to ache and i feel so dizzy and the next thing i see is nothing.

Jude passed out

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