Not The Right Time

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Jude's POV

Today im gonna meet with connor early at school. I dont know why but he texted me last night to go to school as early as i can. So i told mom last night that im gonna be walking to school today.

No one in our family wakes up this early cause school starts at 7:30 so i got the bathroom for my self. After i took a bath and change. I went to the kitchen to cook myself some pancakes. After i ate i took off.
I never been to school this early before i see not that much students and i looked for connor. I see him smiling and waiting for me beside my locker.

Hey connor so whats up? -jude

Ummm.. I was thinking that we should come out today. Is it okey for you?

Today? Um connor im sorry im not ready to come out. Im just scared that people will not accept us. I did not even came out yet and the guys are even giving me hard time and i dont want you to experience it. I just dont want you to get hurt okey? -jude

Jude even if they make fun of me call me names or even beat me up. I dont care i just dont want to hide my feelings for everyday. I want to hold your hands when we walk, call you babe or bae and give you a kiss. -connor

Im sorry connor but we should wait for the right time okey and today is not it. We can still make out anytime come to my house anytime you want. -jude

Yeah sure your house when we are guarded with your moms and siblings -connor

Hey how about your dad? Will he even accept us? He even tried to separate us cause he thinks i am gay. How will he react that i am really gay? -jude

Yeah i know that his a HOMO but i dont care il rebel for you. If he kicks me out il move with my mom she is just living 4blocks from your house -connor

Okey2x but promise we will come out soon but not now okey? Just enjoy the moment that no one is judging us cause when we will come out there will be so many judgement around us and i just dont want you to be hurt okey? -jude

Okey okey! I just love you so much jude and i will do anything to be with you -connor

I know you will and i love you to -jude

Connor's POV

I kiss jude and he pulls back. Oh yah i forgot that we are in public. But its still 6:45 not that many students are here yet most of them will arrive at 7. So i grab jude into the bathroom and lock it.

Hey whats going on? -jude

Its still early you know like we have 10min alone. So i was thinking that lets make this moment useful. Its okey the door is lock no one will see us -connor

*jude blushed

What in the bathroom? Lets just do it later -jude

What? When? We cant do it at your house we are like guarded 24/7 if we are alone so come on just for this time -connor

I lean for a kiss jude kiss back. Jude lips was so soft and it taste like syrup i think he ate some pancakes this morning. We make out like for 5min and i took my shirt off and judes hand were playing with my hair.

Hey dont mess with my hair it took me like 5min to make it look that good -connor

Ohh really than we should make this fast so that you can fix you hair-jude

*both of them giggled

Just shut up and kiss me -jude

Jude suppose to take his shirt off then someone knock on the door.

Omg connor someones here -jude

I took my shirt and put it on and grab my bag.
I opened the door and it was carl.

Hey carl! -connor

Why was the door lock -carl

Umm i was changing my shirt -connor

And why is jude with you? -carl

Ummm i also change my shirt umm.. Me and connor were ask to get some books in the library and it was so dusty in there and we got some dust on us so we just change -jude

Oh okey soo see you guys in science class -carl

Okey! Bye -jude/connor

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