First Day

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Jude's POV
I sat down and grab a pancake and listen to everyones conversation.

Im so happy that callie saved me from our old foster father. Now i feel safe and I'm sure that this family is nice and they can protect me.

When i grabbed my bag Lena called me and lead my to the couch and explain to me the rules of the house that after school i should meet with her in her office and go home together and do homework after and bedtime will be 9:30 and she mention about if i ever earn their trust for the week they will provide me with a personal phone but i should follow their rules first. After we talked we get in the car with the others.

It was 10 min drive after we got out Lena and i went to her office to give my class schedule and my locker combo. After i got my schedule she showed me where my locker is located. She left and check my sched my first class was math.


Omg the bell i should hurry!

So i panic and grab my math book and closed my locker than turn around than i accidentally bumped to a boy and i accidentally drop my math book than the boy pick it up for me and smiled at me.

"sorry im so clumsy" and he giggled.

I was so still looking at hime like i saw a ghost, than he pat my shoulders.

Hey i never see you here before are you new?

"Yeahh umm sorry for bumping you"

Its okey hey BTW I'm Connor Stevens and you are?

JJJ JUDE umm.. Jude Jacob

ummm so where u heading?

umm math class. Cool I'm heading there to common lets hurry were 3min late already he grabbed my arm and we ran to the classroom and thank god the teacher is not here yet.

Hey jude there two vacant seats there come and sit with me. When i sat down with connor i stared at him and he is so cute i stared for a minute than the teacher entered

Good morning class- miss charter

So we have a new student here so um young man please come here and introduce your self.

I was so nervous and i stood up and said "hey im JUDE JACOB and im excited to be your classmate" everyone gave me a stare but my eyes was at connor who gave me a smile while everyone gave me a idnt care look.

(BF) BestFriend? Or BoyFriend?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon