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Jude's POV

I prepare the couch for connor while he was brushing his teeth. Connor went down and hugs me and kissed me good night. I kissed back and it took a minute when jesus came in.

Eheeem!! Keep your clothes on kids! -jesus

Shut up!! -jude

Jesus grab me and both of us went to the room together.

So you two getting really serious? -jesus

Yeahh!!! -jude

Do you like love him? -jesus

Um i think so yeahh i love him-jude

Ohhh my little bro is growing up already! And if you need some tips im here okey? -jesus

Thankx jesus -jude

Connor's POV

It was midnight and i cant sleep cause i cant believe that im with jude and his family supports us.
I hear a step that is getting close to the living room i got nervous and grab the remote in case it attacks me. Than i heard my name.

Connor? -jude

Ohh jude! Its just you umm what are doing here? -connor

I cant sleep and i miss you:) -jude

What? we were just together couple of hours ago -connor

Yeah i just cant believe that you are my boyfriend and i love you connor -jude

I love you too -connor

I leaned to kiss jude and he kisses me back. His lips was so soft and tender. His hands were on my chest and i place mine on his waist. I took my shirt off and jude touches my chest just staring at my body and i whispered its okey you mine now and im yours he smiled. I took of his shirt and we both lay down on the couch. I tried to put my shorts down but jude stopped me and said that his not ready. Its okey jude and im sorry. Its okey just kiss me. I kiss jude deeper and deeper. He pulls back and said.

its late already i think i should go to my room cause i might fell asleep here and moms will see as sleeping together half naked so it will be bad thing. -jude

Bad thing? -connor

Yes they might think we did it but we didn't and they might not let us be in the same room alone and i want us to have alone time once in a time. -jude

Yeahhh your right so see you in the morning my jude -connor

I kissed his lips one more time and help him put his shirt back on and he went bak up.

(BF) BestFriend? Or BoyFriend?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora