Chapter 31

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Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Frerichs

Crossposted on elizabethfrerichs dot com and wattpad


Thanks to the added seahorses and the current, it was just after lunchtime before they reached Robert's house—three hours less than it usually took him and Waterdancer alone. Rosie made a mental note to ensure she used that trick again. They thanked the wild seahorses and sent them back along the path. Robert tied Waterdancer up to a post out front of the house.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I, er, my mother isn't too fond of magic. Thomas, would you mind waiting here for a bit?"

"Of course not. Waterdancer and I shall be just fine here."


Robert's family home was spacious, though not ornate. More substantial than what she had expected from kelp harvesters though. Perhaps they had inherited it from a relative.

"Mother, I'm back and I brought guests," Robert called. He grimaced at them. "I told her I would return soon, but I didn't give her specifics."

A tall, thin merwoman bustled into the entryway, her face hidden in shadow. "Oh, Robert! I'm so glad you're alive. You are uninjured, aren't you? I mean, you didn't say that you were injured, so—oh, I'm so glad to see you."

Rosie suppressed a smile at the look of embarrassment on Robert's face. Clearly he was used to the behavior, but just as clearly, he didn't want her and Grandma to see it.

After a moment, he artfully avoided another round of anxious questions, pulling his mother into a side hug and turning her to face their visitors.

"Lynette?" Grandma Essie said with surprise.

Robert's mother blinked. "Madam Essie, I hadn't heard that you were—returned."

Grandma Essie chuckled. "Well, that's one way to put it. My granddaughter, Rosie, and—" She glanced at Robert, who quickly signed for her to stay mum.

"Well, she wasn't trying to, but she broke the curse," Grandma Essie continued. "I haven't yet informed anyone else of the fact, as it happened only a week ago."

"I see," Robert's mother said, her mouth tight.

"You know each other?" Robert asked incredulously, looking back and forth between his mother and Rosie's grandmother.

Grandma Essie smiled at him. "Of course we do. Lynette was Mrs. Amelia Stormbane's daughter, and Amelia was one of my dearest friends. She and Rina were especially close before—"

"We drifted apart," Lynette said stoutly. She pulled Robert into a tighter hug and ran her fingers through his hair. "Are you sure everything is all right? You would tell me if you were in trouble, wouldn't you?"

"Of course, Mother. I'm fine. More than fine. This is my friend Rosie."

Rosie politely nodded and held out a hand.

Robert's mother's handshake was limper than week-old kelp, but Rosie kept her smile from slipping. "Nice to meet you, Mrs.—" She glanced at Robert.

He blushed. "This is my mother, Mrs. Nadir."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Nadir."

"Charmed, I'm sure," Mrs. Nadir said with a faint grimace.

"Anyway, I was talking to Rosie," Robert hurried to put in, "and she's got some unusual skills that might make it possible to diagnose father's illness."

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