Chapter 26

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Copyright 2023 Elizabeth Frerichs

Crossposted on and


The path was small enough that it forced them to swim single file. Despite her exhaustion, Rosie kept a close eye out for that telltale sickly green color. Looking at the various magics around them, Rosie noted their clear, clean colors. Had Rina's magic always been that color, or had the curse twisted her magic as well as her character?

After about ten minutes, they reached the black sand. Though it radiated magic, as did the plants her grandmother had grown there, she didn't notice any taint of foreign magic.

She pulled out two vials and began moving towards the sand.

"Whoa, wait a second," Robert said, pulling her back towards him. "How about I do that? Not only are you still exhausted, but you need to save your strength for the potion."

Rosie hesitated. He probably could safely collect this ingredient despite not having magic. It was sand—not poison. "Okay." She handed the vials over to him. It was strange how much she trusted him. She hadn't even thought about leaving him outside the illusion, and now she had no compunctions in trusting him to gather the sand and not try to do anything crazy.

Though she watched him like a rock eel, waiting for another flare of Rina's magic, nothing untoward happened. He carefully scooped sand into the vials and then swam back up to her.

"Might be the easiest one yet," he said with a grin.

"Speak for yourself," she retorted tiredly. Getting this ingredient had been the most draining for her by far.

He grimaced. "Right. Other than the whole getting stuck in Rina's maze bit." He stowed the vials and then asked Thomas where the shed was.

"Last I knew, it was in the southeast corner of the gardens," he said. "However, Madam Essie may have moved it," he said ruefully.

Rosie took a deep breath. "We'd better just move the path in case it's not where you expect it to be. Plus, I'd rather not have to fight another of Rina's spells—the path should take us around the spell, right?"

Thomas studied her for several moments. "I do not like this plan, but I do not see any other way."

"Neither do I, so—" Robert took her hand. "I'm right here. I may not be able to do the spell for you, but I'm still here."

She smiled at him. "I know. Thank you." Steeling herself to add to the weight of exhaustion she now carried, she said the spell.

At least she didn't have to fight through Rina's spell this time. The path spread outward without difficulty. Rosie kept it small, just in case.

Fifteen minutes later, they reached the shed without incident.

Thomas studied it. "Do you see any magic on it?"

Rosie nodded. "But it's not Rina's magic."

"That's probably just the locking spell then," Thomas said.

"How hard is it to break?" Robert said, swimming towards the shed. "I bet I could just use my sword and then—"

"Stop!" Thomas commanded.

Robert froze.

"Come back here," Thomas said sternly.

Robert obeyed. "What?"

"That spell maims anyone who tries to open the door without the proper password," he said. "You would not succeed in breaking the lock or opening the door; you would only injure yourself beyond any ability to assist Miss Rose. Now—" He turned his attention to Rosie. "Miss Rose, if you will simply repeat after me."

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