Chapter 2

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I was at school, and since the break had just started, I was just sitting on my chair, wondering what to do. I remembered the promise I made to myself the previous day to say yes to everything, and I was feeling a little disappointed. No one had asked me anything or offered me something I could say yes to. Maybe I had missed my chance. I looked around the room - almost everyone was gathered at one desk, so I went near to see what was going on.

"Who wants to play a movie game with me? Someone who has seen a lot of movies so he or she could be a match for me. Maybe even a challenge."

Aiden's words sounded so cocky and daring. He looked around haughtily like no one from our classmates was a match for him, and then he spotted me.

"I do," I said quietly and raised my hand, not even sure what I was doing. "I've seen a lot of movies. And I bet I could beat you." I said it, trying to look confident and very calm. I should match his cockiness. Now was the time to prove myself that I can do anything. I just had to say yes – that was the promise I made to myself. It couldn't hurt to try. After all it's just some silly game. I had nothing to lose.

"Are you sure, Dolly?" he asked in a such a patronizing manner and then looked at me like I was some child incapable of taking a decision of my own or at least that's how he was treating me, and I didn't like it. "Because I am raising the stakes too high here." He pressed his lips tightly, looking at me as if he was saying, 'I think you're no match for me so just quit.'

"I am a match," I said confidently, making my way through the crowd of students. "I mean for the game," I quickly clarified when I heard the words in my head. It sounded really silly, and I hoped he didn't take it that way.

"Then if you lose, and that's very likely to happen, you are going to be my slave. For the whole weekend," he underlined his last sentence, seeming so sure that he will win. Like he had no doubts about it. His cockiness was so irritating. "Still so sure about it?" he asked me in the end and smirked, looking so confident and so cocky about it. That guy was so full of himself! And that smirk – I just hated it. He probably thought that I would say no.

"What? You can't be serious."

Was he really talking seriously? A slave? That was way too much. I wasn't so confident after I heard what he wanted. Would he have said the same thing if I was a boy? If a boy chose to play with him, and not me, would he still want something like that? It was outrageous. Was he kidding? He didn't look like he was joking at all. Maybe he said it just to scare me off, but I would show him! And plus, I made a promise. I wouldn't back away now – I just couldn't. I needed to get out of my comfort zone and say yes to his offer, no matter how hard he tried to scare me off.

"If you chicken out, it's okay," Aiden said nicely, smirking at me. That arrogant grin was so infuriating. "Bail out while you still have some dignity."

"I am not bailing out," I said, determined to play the game, and I've already made up my mind. "But if you lose, which I am sure will happen, I could just bet the house..." I tried to seem confident and really believe in my own words, "then you're going to be my slave for the weekend. Right?"

"Of course," he confirmed without any hesitation. "Are you willing to take the bet?"

"Oh, I can take anything."

I wanted to sound sure about it, but I wasn't putting much sense into my words. I just wanted to match his cockiness, but it didn't work out so well.

"Then... it's a bet." He reached his hand out.

"It's a bet." I shook his hand and sat down next to him. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But it was too late to back out now. We started playing.

The game was on and I had to win it. After all it was a movie game, so how hard could it be? I have seen many movies, so I thought that I had very high chances of actually winning the bet. What wouldn't I give to win that game and make him be my slave... That sounded like a dream come true. But I needed to focus on the game, and put every other thought aside.

The game was simple - one says a movie and the other one says another movie with the ending letter of the first movie. And whoever can't think of a movie beginning with the last letter of the previous movie loses the game. Aiden started first by saying the movie Titanic.

"Titanic? Is that your favorite movie? Ooh," I teased him, trying to focus on thinking of a movie with the letter C by distracting him a little.

"Are you buying yourself some time to think of a movie?" he asked, seeing right through me. "If you're that bad," he leaned near to whisper in my ear, "you should give up. Don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone."

He was so cocky – I wasn't going to give up for anything in the world. I wish I could simply erase that smirk off his face. And I intended to do so by winning the game. He would be the one who's embarrassed in the end! I needed to win. I had to think for a movie which began with the letter C. I focused on the game and then I quickly thought of one.

"Charlie's Angels."


He didn't waste any time – he was really good at the game. He thought of the movie so quickly. Perhaps Aiden had played it many times before, and I, for one, hadn't. Not even once. And I was nervous because all of our classmates were watching us play.

"Aren't you a tad too old for animations?" I teased. I kind of wanted to embarrass him in front of our classmates because he deserved it – he needed to be a bit more humble. They were all probably pulling for him anyway.

"Less talking, Dolly. Name a movie with the letter K."

"King Kong." I thought of it pretty fast because it was a very famous movie.


He wasn't that fast like the previous time, but when I heard the movie he said, my jaw probably dropped from surprise. It was a romantic movie. Did he watch romantic movies? He doesn't seem like the type of guy who likes to watch romantic movies at all. I thought that he likes action movies, and comedies, and probably horror movies too. I didn't make any comment about his choice for a movie though. I was trying to stay focus on the game. I had to think of a movie that begins with the letter T.

"The Game."

The letter T was an easy one because there are so many movies that begin with that letter. It was his turn.


Of course he would think of that movie – it didn't surprise me at all. I would have been really surprised had he said Enchanted or something like that. I could learn a lot about him by his choice of movies. I liked the game and I was having fun playing with him. We named so many movies just during the first few minutes of the game because we were both good at it and have seen a lot of movies.

We went on and on, spitting movies at each other like we were arguing about something. I was on fire, but he was even better than me. He was answering a lot faster than me and sometimes straight away – he didn't need any time to think. I was doing great at first, but then it became harder. When the game advanced Aiden's answers became a tad slower and I was doing even worse than him. It took me a while to think of a movie because we've already said so many movies that my mind simply blocked. I had trouble thinking of a movie that began with a specific letter and sometimes I wondered whether one of us had already said it or not.

Our classmates were supporting us both by shouting encouraging words, but that wasn't helping me at all – it was only distracting me from thinking. Apparently the girls were on my side, and the boys were on his. Whenever I repeated a movie by accident, the boys pointed that out for me in Aiden's favor, but when Aiden did the same, the girls pointed that out for me. They supported me, and I was glad that they wanted me to win, but their words of encouragement weren't helping me to concentrate. No one was allowed to give hints though.

The game was getting more and more interesting as the time passed, but it became a lot harder than at the beginning. I had a feeling we've already listed every movie that exists or at least that I've seen, so it was getting pretty intense. I was determined to win the game. I just had to win. And I was ready to do anything. Come hell or high water!

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