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*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

         "Ahem! Hope's Peak Academy School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... Gooooooooooooood morning everyone!!! Looks like today is gonna be another perfect, tropical day! Now then, let's show some enthusiasm and make sure to give it our all today!"

"Mngh...."  You sighed, blinking open your swollen eyes. The room was still dark. Seems like someone forgot to open the curtains.

Your mind drifted back to the night before. 

Monokuma had let it slip that you had tried to kill Sonia. 

Everything inside of you broke at that singular moment, as soon as the words eft the robotic bear. You had just begun to get a handle on things... You promised Fuyuhiko you wouldn't drink anymore, you promised him you wouldn't kill anyone.

Your attitude needed some shaping up but that's about it.

It felt as if no matter what you did, everybody would have hated you for it either way. 

Well, everybody except for Fuyuhiko. He was the only one that had stood by you. 

"Ngh..." you heard a groan from somewhere across the room. Lifting your head, you saw Fuyuhiko adjusting himself in one of the chairs, rubbing his eyes after seemingly waking up.

Wait- had he fallen asleep in the chair?

Was he so cautious of you to not bother to sleep in the bed with you anymore?

You blinked at him. "... Ahem..." you hummed, clearing your throat.

Fuyuhiko looked up at you before his face morphed into an expression of realization. "Hey... wait- goddammit!" He cursed, burying his face in his hands. "No one came in here last night, right?"

Slowly shaking your head, your brows furrowed. "I'm not sure... erhm... why were you asleep in a chair?"

He sighed, slumping back into the seat and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You were out of it. You kept repeating the same shit over and over... 'I didn't, I didn't, I didn't,'" he explained. "I tried to stay awake last night in case you had some kinda break..."

There was a long pause before he sighed. "That's a lie. I wanted to make sure no-one tried to fuckin' kill you."

"You fell asleep."

"I know, dumbass."



You bit your lip, lowering your head as you got off the bed. 

You were still in the same clothes from yesterday. Lovely.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door of the cottage.

"Who in the hell-" You started, stomping toward the door but Fuyuhiko stopped you.

"I think I'm gonna get that."

"What? Why?"

He sighed, stepping in front of you and furrowing his brows. "Y/n, it got out last night that you tried to kill someone, you're not that close to everyone else anyway, and everyone thinks you solved that fat bastard's case way to easily anyway. I think it'd be pretty fuckin' likely that someone's gonna try to kill you eventually. I'd rather that not be in front of me or ever."

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. He was right. There were so many reasons to kill you off right now. He was the only reason you were still alive.

"I-.... Okay, you make a good point.."

He shrugged, turning toward the door and unlocking it. 

"Young Master, are you alright?" Peko asked. "Did she try anything? I thought she might have-"

"Oh..." You hummed.

Peko's gaze shifted from Fuyuhiko to you and back to Fuyuhiko. "I'm only trying to protect you, Young Master."

Fuyuhiko sighed. "Peko, I know. I'm very fuckin' aware of that, but Y/n wouldn't do that."

"She tried to kill Sonia, you can't promise anything with her-"

"Yes, I can, okay? Now drop it, Peko."

Peko froze, clenching her jaw before turning away and pulling the door shut behind her. "Yes, Young Master..."

Everything was silent, and you held back tears. Did everyone see you like that now? Are you gonna be tied up like Nagito?


Suddenly, it clicked. He was a psychopath.... but maybe that meant he knew how do deal with this. 

You weren't even sure if it was a good idea. You weren't even sure if you were in your right mind.

But it was wort a shot.

So, pushing past Fuyuhiko, you swung the door open. Fuyuhiko grabbed your arm.

"Whoah, hey, where the hell are you going?"

"I have to do something..." You mumbled.

Fuyuhiko hesitated.

You lifted your gaze to his. "I won't kill anyone, and I'll make sure I'm not alone with anyone who can kill me, okay?"

He sighed, letting go of your arm and clenching his jaw. "Be back in an hour. Two at most..."

You nodded, turning around and leaving as you shut the door behind you.

Against All Odds || Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now