"I've unloaded your fucking gun." Brian chuckles in his throat as he occupies the empty chair next to Karishma. He uses the gun in his hand to tap on Karishma's shoulder to get her attention. "How many times have I told you to not put your gun in the glove compartment? It. Is. Not. Safe. It is called a sidearm for a reason. To be on your side, Singh."

"Detective Park." Haseena calls his name and immediately gets a shoo from him.

"Please call me Brian." Brian smiles at her withhis kind and comforting self. It is the front he always uses when he is with others. It is the front he always uses to fool people.

"Detective Park, we all can pretend this has never happened if you just... walk away." Haseena suggests something that makes Brian become hysterical.

"I like you, Haseena... Do you mind if I call you Haseena?"

"I do mind."

"I like how you hadn't really given a damn about you being kidnapped. And now, you're actually about to be so kidnapped and you still don't really give a damn, do you? Well, I guess that is a perk of growing up in a cop family. Haseena." Brian emphasizes her name just enough to piss her off.

As soon as Brian finishes his speech, two muscular men make their way through the hall with the door that leads to the garage. They look more like thugs than anything else but with Karishma's sigh and disappointing eyes, it is clear that they are more than thugs. They are traitors.

"Officers." Karishma whispers when the two men land their steps in the dining area.

"Detective." One of the men smirks. He is enjoying the scene although they have nothing against each other. They have not even been on a case together. Their relationship is so distant that Karishma wouldn't dare calling any of both men by their names. "Let's get going, shall we?"

Brian stands up and puts his gun into the holster by his waist. He uses a piece of cloth to handle Karishma's gun that is placed on the table. Whatever his plan is, he makes sure that he doesn't leave any trace; that nothing can come back and bite him. Then, he places a pair of handcuffs in front of Karishma. "Cuff your girlfriend, please."

Karishma glares and stays still. She refuses to follow his order. She refuses to hear any more of his words.

"Okay then." Brian gets the message that is hidden in Karishma's silence and he doesn't even push her. Instead, he nods towards one of the thug-looking men. "Cuff her."

"Wait." Karishma grabs the handcuffs right before the man. Her mind is changed so suddenly because as one of the cops, she knows that he is not going to be gentle. He is going to make them so tight that every single movement Haseena makes will cause her pain. Karishma sighs and hopes that at some point, she would wake up from this terrible dream. This can't be happening. This can't be happening with Brian behind it. She grabs the handcuffs and leans closer to Haseena who has her hands out so willingly. Haseena nods. She wants Karishma to know that it is okay to do this. Gently, Karishma puts them on her wrists and lingers her hands on hers. "You're okay."

"Don't hurt her." Brian points at Haseena and gives his first order. Then, he points at
Karishma and gives his second. "Knock her out. I want her to be a bit... you know... surprised."

The orders are given and followed at the drop of a hat. One of the men grabs Haseena by the arm and pulls her up on her feet. She tries to drag her feet but the man drags her equally as hard. He doesn't care if she hurts. He doesn't care if Brian precisely told him not to hurt her. He will if he has to. Karishma watches her without being able to do anything and it breaks her into millions of pieces. As soon as Brian nods, another man pulls Karishma up and sends her down on the floor by her own gun that is neatly wrapped in the white cloth. He hits it hard by her eyebrows and what she can see from then is darkness. Then, she is carried to a van that finds its way into Haseena's garage without being noticed. The men who were supposed to notice it entering her house are here and already ready to look away. He throws Karishma into the old sloppy van where Haseena is already sitting on the floor. She wasn't that scared before but now that she sees Karishma being unconscious and bleeding from the cut at her eyebrow, she certainly is.

After the door is slid close, the three men are talking outside the van for a good while. They are talking about something that cannot be heard clearly and Haseena doesn't really pay any attention to those words. Her attention lands directly on Karishma who hopes and prays unconsciously that this is all just a dream. With her cuffed hands, she tries to shake Karishma back to the reality but the more she tries the more she sees failure. She pushes Karishma's hair out of her bleeding wound and caresses her cheek with little tears starting to form ponds and lakes in her eyes. A few seconds later, Brian occupies the passenger seat while a thug takes the wheel and another is nowhere to be seen. Brian watches her through the rearview mirror.

"She is fine." Brian says as the engine starts to make its ignition sound. "She has gotten worse."

"What do you want?" Haseena asks with a shake in her voice as she acts brave through her frightening eyes. "Money?"
I'll be uploading 2 updates per day as I want to complete the story ASAP.
Take care

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