"Was there no sketch made of it or anything? Out of memory from anyone who saw the picture?" I asked curiously.

Aurora sighs "If you think about it, it's too much of a risk. If the sketch is wrong even the tiniest bit, we could end up putting the wrong person as the Don and the don's family. But we also have his net worth, not his whole family, just the don himself. Although he is the richest, his family is probably also insanely rich."

Flora nods and continues. "Oh! So his initials are M.R. and his net worth is estimated to be about... drumroll please.." Aurora starts clapping her hands on her desk, jokingly waiting for her to continue. "276 billion!" she exclaims. My jaw drops.

"What on earth could you need or want that much money for?" I ask to myself.

"Who knows but what we do know is that they have a very long violence streak going. Okay so with the fluctuation of the Don's net worth, we can usually track when one don leaves power and another one enters. So around five years ago, one left and another one took his place so we can put the Dons age at around late twenties to early thirties. But around two don's ago, so this one's grandfather, there was a confirmed brutal murder. Grossest thing I've ever heard of. There were so many wounds, so much blood, he had clearly been tortured for days, or maybe even weeks, it's was disgusting." Flora says. I'd be scared as fuck. I would not want to ever be involved with those bitches. With the risk of that happening? Absolutely fucking not.

"What about their family?" I asked.

"Well their families are well protected. As of now, we assume the don is married for at least business sake and also for the image they present to other mafias, but we have no evidence that he's married. But even if he was, there's no way anyone could even touch his wife." Aurora begins. "When they love, they love hard, and no one can even come close to touching a hair on anyone's head. Because what we've been taught so far is that they will end up dead if they even try."

She turns back to her keyboard, a funny look on her face and begins typing quickly. I sigh. "Well what specifically about this case is tying the mafia with the robberies?" I ask them.

"Not much. Just that it's a severe crime, they're a criminal organization. It's a lot of money and they'd do pretty much anything for more money and power." she explains, showing me all of the supposed crimes the mafia has been tied to in the last fifty or so years.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "It just doesn't make sense." I mumble, staring at the file as if the answer will just jump out at me at any moment. Flora asks me to clarify. "Well if they have all this money and all this power, there would be no need for stupid crimes. If they've eluded capture or even identification for so long, why would they do things like robbery to get things that make them more easily profiled? For things that they could easily buy? If his net worth is 276 billion, then 47 million would be like deciding where to go to dinner. It's nothing to them. If it were actually them, wouldn't they go all out and steal more. Make it actually worth something to them?" I question.

"I don't think so." Aurora replies skeptically. "It's not about the money. It's about the feeling the robberies give them, the adrenaline. The power. They couldn't give a single fuck about the money, but the knowing that even with this new information, we're no closer to finding them. That they live freely even after all this time." she finishes as Annachiara walks in.

"I mean I guess maybe yes. They could be just doing it for the adrenaline or to prove a point. Something just doesn't sit right with me." I replied.

Annachiara spoke up. "Aria is right. An anonymous statement has just been released, someone claiming responsibility for the robberies. And unless the Don suddenly wants to turn himself in and be supper friendly with us, he's not involved. But I still want you searching for any piece of mafia related evidence in the crime. It's still a possibility." She says to me and Aurora. I nod and look over to Flora. She's giving me a disgusted and annoyed look. My eyebrows furrow in confusion, because what did I do to her for her to be this bothered by me right now?

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ RewrittenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin