Chapter 82: Buying and Selling (Part 1,2 & 3)

Start from the beginning

Once Jennie and her entourage departed in their carriage, the young shop assistant couldn't resist asking Hong Ling, "Supervisor, what kind of background does that young lady have?"

"Carry out your tasks diligently," Hong Ling patted his head. After a moment's contemplation, she added, "Next time you encounter Shen Young Lady, speak sweetly. She's no ordinary person."

The little shop assistant quickly complied. Hong Ling watched the horse carriage getting further away as her heart sighed in relief. Highly-talented individuals truly came forth in large numbers in the Ding capital that now even a little young lady was able to scheme. As compared to her family master, she was not inferior in any aspect.

In the horse carriage, Jennie remained lost in thought, her mind consumed by matters unknown to her maids, Marie and Alexia. They dared not interrupt her and maintained a respectful silence. They were equally unaware of the purpose behind Jennie's visit to the pawnshop. While it was evident that it was a pawnshop, the specifics of what was pawned remained a mystery. Jennie had chosen not to divulge any details, and her maids knew better than to pry.

As they passed a particular location, Alexiasuggested with a smile, "We're approaching Guang Fu Zhai. Since it's been a while since our last visit, shall I buy some snacks?"

Guang Fu Zhai's snacks were always in high demand, and the current time was less crowded, making it an opportune moment to purchase some. Although Jennie didn't particularly enjoy these snacks, both Luo Xue Yan and Shen Qiu did. She nodded in agreement, "Go ahead."

Alexia promptly disembarked from the carriage and headed toward Guang Fu Zhai.

Meanwhile, outside the carriage, Yoongi and the others formed a protective circle around it. Due to their imposing statures, they drew curious glances from passersby. Jennie had opened the curtains to allow for ventilation, and as she looked outside, her gaze was captured by someone unexpected.

It was Pei Namjoon.

Jennie hadn't visited Oak Wood Academy in quite some time, as she didn't desire recognition as a talented young lady or seek scholarly honors. In recent days, her focus had been on other matters, causing her to forget about the possibility of such an encounter. When she locked eyes with Namjoon, she couldn't help but smile and nodded at him from within the carriage.

Namjoon was momentarily taken aback. Jennie had once been his student, and Ming Qi culture placed great emphasis on respect for teachers. Excluding Taehyung, all of his students had treated him with the utmost respect. However, Jennie's nod gave Namjoon the impression that she held a higher status than him, an idea that he found both amusing and bewildering. Before he could react, Jennie lowered the curtains, leaving Namjoon to contemplate the unusual encounter. Yoongi and the others, who had noticed his gaze, regarded him with vigilance.

Namjoon stood there for a moment, feeling somewhat perplexed. Such a rude gesture should have incited his anger, but for some inexplicable reason, he found himself more amused than offended. It might be because of Jennie's recent impressive accomplishments that made him appreciate her refusal to conform to societal norms. He shook his head and continued on his way.

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