And of course, her Pokemon is going to be a Vaporeon. I use Pikachu to battle the last one, and I also defeat her in the end.

"Oh, you are wonderful..." Then Zumi comes to me and says, "We were not wrong about you. You are indeed worthy of this... Please take these."

We are given the Clear Bell and the Tidal Bell. Then Lillie says, "Well, I wonder what we're going to do with those two items."

"Probably for Ho-Oh and Lugia." I say.

Sakura says, "I always wanted to see the Ho-Oh. I wonder if we can come as well."

Satsuki says, "Although we shouldn't interrupt when they are going to do their dancing ritual, it will be great to see Ho-Oh and Lugia."

First, we go to the Bell Tower, and we have to climb 10 floors to the balcony. The 5 sisters are there and Zuki says, "Yes, this is where we welcome Ho-Oh. When the dance we practiced for many days becomes one with the sound of the Clear Bell we entrusted to you, then Ho-Oh shall come down from the great arch of the sky once again!"

They want me the ring the Clear Bell, so I do it and summon the sounds, and then we watch the Kimono Girls dance. "Amazing..." Reisa says.

"Yeah... it is actually very cool..." East says.

"Look over there, the bells at the roof are also glowing!" Sakura says as we notice the gold bells ring with the rhythm. And from the sky, we see a figure flying towards us. And it turns out to be Ho-Oh.

"Ho-Oh..." I say in awe.

"That IS indeed Ho-Oh... The guardian of the sky around here from ancient times... So many have tried and tried, only to fail... Ash, your heart and the Clear Bell in harmony have finally made it appear..."

"Yeah..." I say as I step forward, "You have been waiting for me all this time, don't you?"

"Of course, Ash. I was the one who blessed you with good luck since the start of your journey." Ho-Oh says. "So you're finally here. Now you can capture me."

I nod as she gave me her own customized Poke Ball.

Ho-Oh: The Rainbow Pokemon: Fire and Flying Type. Legends claim this Pokémon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent seven-colored wings.

"You have not only made Ho-Oh appear, but you have also caught it... You are so wonderful. There is nothing more for us to say. We will be waiting for you at the Whirl Islands. If you're ready, we'll be there."

We nod as we bid farewell to the Kimono Dancers. Then Sakura says, "So you're going to the Whirl Islands to catch Lugia yet?"

"Not yet. I want to battle Will the Elite Four first in Ilex Forest." I say as they all respect my choice.

Now we're at the Ilex Forest, and when we arrive at Will's place, we are surprised to see a lot of lights around him as the lights are shaped like boxes. Will says to me. "Ash Ketchum, it's a pleasure seeing you here."

"Same here. It sure has been a while since we met at the Pokealthon Dome." I say.

"I have trained all around the world, making my Psychic-type Pokémon powerful. And, at last, I've been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only keep getting better! Losing is not an option!" He says while turning to Lillie, "Young Lady, can you be the referee?"

"Sure. What are the rules?" Lillie asks.

"Oh, the normal rules with 5 on 5."

Will sends out Exeggutor as his first Pokemon, I decide to go with Murkrow. Exeggutor starts off with an Egg Bomb, Murkrow dodges and uses Wing Attack, which is super effective. Then he tries to use Dark Pulse, Exeggutor uses Barrier to lower the damage and fires one more Egg Bomb, sending Murkrow to the ground.

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