Chapter 23

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Once we arrive at Route 40, Shade says, "Route 41 is probably more dangerous because it's where the Whirl Islands are located. But I'm pretty sure that it will be just fine for you."

"Although we don't have the HM for Whirlpool yet, we still have Pokemon that can learn Whirlpool."

After battling some trainers, we are now at the Whirl Islands. There is a festival called the Parade of the Chinchou, and it celebrates the natural migration of newly hatched Chinchou from the mountains to the ocean. Of course, Team Rocket appears and tries to steal the Chinchou, but they block their way to get across the ocean. In the end, Chinchou all evolve into Lanturn, and they use Spark to help Pikachu send them flying.

With all the Lanturn swim away, two of the Lanturn want to join me and Reisa, so we capture them.

Chinchou: The Angler Pokemon: Water and Electric Type. Its antennae, which evolved from a fin, have both positive and negative charges flowing through them.

Lanturn: The Light Pokemon: Water and Electric Type. Evolved from Chinchou at LV:27. This Pokémon uses the bright part of its body, which changed from a dorsal fin, to lure prey.

Then we continue as we get to a mart on one of the islands. Lillie says, "Ash, look at this!"

We see a unique gift shop with a few jewelry-like objects on display, made of pink crystal. Lillie is showing me one of the objects and says, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"They are made from Corsola." The shop clerk mentions and then it excites Reisa since she wants to capture one. Suddenly, we hear a girl scream for help, then we notice there is a whirlpool nearby dragging her and the floating house in.

"Leave this to me." Reisa says as she jumps into the pool, then she pulls the house away from the powerful whirlpool and reaches the shore.

"Wow, you are really strong..." Kris says with surprise.

"I know." Reisa says.

The young girl Mika reunites with her concerned family on the beach. I ask, "How is your home washed away?"

"Well, it was constructed on top of a Corsola nest." Andrea, the shop worker says. Then she reveals that her father is a Corsola horn artist, and uses the local Corsola for his creations.

Andrea explains that the family's pet Corsola is particularly energetic, and led the other Corsola to leave suddenly. As a result, the home's Corsola nest foundation was weakened, allowing it to be washed out to sea.

Reisa wants to catch the Corsola, but Lillie stops her, saying that the family needs the Corsola to return for their livelihoods, so we volunteer to assist them. Andrea mentions that Corsola likes to be in pairs, so finding them shouldn't be difficult. The group starts looking around in the forest, eventually spotting two of them and picking them up.

East sets up a Pokémon food lure to wait and see if any others would come. Soon enough, another pair arrives, just as Mika's Corsola begins acting up. It almost scares the two off until Reisa and Andrea come and pick them up.

My Murkrow soon scouts the area and reports back to us, having found two more. Murkrow leads us to a beach, where it lands to distract them for a moment before Andrea and I can get them. In Mika's area, they find the last two. We return to the Corsola nests, and Andrea counts all of the Corsola and declares that all are accounted for.

Suddenly, Team Rocket captures all of the Corsola, except for the energetic one and a calm one because Lillie kicks away the rope. James reels in the Corsola, hoisting them up the Meowth balloon. I decide to have Murkrow save them, but James counters with Weezing's Smokescreen. This temporarily stops Murkrow for a while, but the Pokémon soon flies out of the toxic cloud and zips by Team Rocket's balloon at high speed, making a hole and causing them to crash.

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