Chapter 9

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When we finally got into the house, we met Kurt's granddaughter, who thanked us for saving him. Kurt then says, "Now then, did you say you have something that you want with me?"

"Actually, we're here on an errand from Professor Oak." I say while taking out the GS Ball. "He asked us to come because he can't figure out about this Poke Ball. It's called the GS Ball."

Kurt looks at the ball and gasps, "This ball... I remember this ball..."

"What do you know about this ball?" Lillie asks.

"Three years ago, I was asked by a man wearing a mask to create a Pokeball that can transcend time." Kurt says.

"Transcend time?" We all gasped in surprise. Kurt continues, "To make this Pokeball, he offered me two items. A Rainbow Wing and a Silver Wing. With the two of them, the GS Ball is made."

We can't believe what we're hearing, the ball is made from the feathers of the Ho-oh and Lugia? East says, "But why would this ball be in Sevii Islands?"

"I don't know. But it will not be safe if I keep it here. I suggest that you keep the ball." Kurt says.

We nod as we keep the ball, and then Ariel says, "Well, looks like you got your answers. And since we're here, maybe we should get a special Apricorn Pokeball."

"Oh right. We do gather some Apricorns after all." Reisa says.

Kurt says, "It would please me greatly to make Poke Balls for Trainers like you. I actually made a batch, why don't you take them."

We are surprised to see Fast Balls, and Kurt's granddaughter explains, "That's a Fast Ball. They are made from White Apricorns. They are actually more effective in capturing Pokemon that easily run away."

"We do have Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink, White, and Black Apricorns." Lillie says. "If I remember correctly... they are for Level Balls, Moon Balls, Friend Balls, Lure Balls, Love Balls, Fast Balls, and Heavy Balls."

Since we have 7 people and we want more Pokeballs, Kurt's granddaughter decides to show us around the Apricorn forest on the hill. First is the Pink one, which makes Love Balls. It is more likely to succeed against a Pokémon of the opposite gender to the Trainer's Pokémon. Although they are still ripened, we can't take them.

Then we find the Yellow one, which is able to become Moon Balls. Although we already have a bunch of Pokemon that evolved with Moon Stone. But we also notice some Pineco in the trees.

"We didn't have a Pineco, maybe we should capture it." I say.

"But we have to be careful because they might use Self-destruct." Lillie says. Then we make sure to be careful and capture one of the Pineco.

Pineco: The Bagworm Pokemon: Bug Type. It spits out a fluid that it uses to glue tree bark to its body. The fluid hardens when it touches air.

After that's done, we find the one with the Green Apricorns, which makes Friend Balls, which enhances the friendship. But just before we can take the Apricorns, there is a swarm of Beedrill and we are forced to retreat.

The fourth one is the Red Apricorns, which make Level Balls, which capture the Pokemon higher level. But much to our surprise, there is a giant trap in front of us and Team Rocket is the one setting them. Not to mention they manage to take Pikachu.

Ariel asks, "Are they Team Rocket members? They are more like clowns to me."

"Who are you calling clowns? You twerp!" Jessie yells.

"You better watch your mouth." Ariel taunts. "If you don't know, Giovanni is my biological father."

The three of them freeze as they never realize that Giovanni has a daughter. Ariel already sends out another Pokemon, which is an Arbok, and uses Poison Sting to attack them, I also manage to catch Pikachu and free him out of his cage.

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