8] The Visitor

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"My brother and Lady Catherine's older sister, Lady Charlotte are going to be engaged soon."
Arden said and My eyes shot up widely staring at him. "your ..brother?"

"Yes. Edmund." He informed now studying my face.

"Lord Edmund looks just like a prince and my goodness, how dreamy they looked when they danced together at the ball." Cathy said happily.

"P..Please excuse me my lord, I need to return to my stall." I bowed my head and quickly walked away.

"Miss Browne has a stall?" I heard Arden ask.

"Oh, yes. She loves to paint. Have a good day Lord Arden." Cathy answered and immediately followed my steps.

"How do you know him?" Cathy asked breathlessly walking behind me.

"We met in the capital a few weeks ago, under some not-so-good circumstances." I replied "Why didn't you tell me?" I added now coming face to face with her.

"Did not tell you what?"

"About your sister. That she is about to get engaged to Lord Edmund." 

"I..." She started

"Nevermind." I interrupted and continued walking.
"What is he even doing here?"

"Lord Arden? His father is investing in the formation of a school in the town." Cathy said.

A school? So that is the reason Edmund has been visiting here since last winter. And why not. Since Summerstown comes under Marquess' territory. One day Edmund shall be the one to look after the land and its people. 

After walking for 2-3 minutes, I could see my stall surrounded by a few people.
I walked closer with Cathy beside me.

"And here comes the lady who deserves your praise." Florian announced and everybody's head turned to me. 

   I came to see a bunch of paintings missing from the area and that is when I understood, Florian has sold them all in the meantime.
"You have such gifted hands, my dear girl." An old lady in a white and blue gown said. "Indeed. I have never seen such beautiful illustrations." A man beside her added. I gave a grateful smile and thanked them. 


Soon evening approached.

"Will you be visiting the town again?" I asked my hands in Cathy's and a sad smile on my face.

"If mother allows me to. But I will try to convince her, I promise." She said with a cheerful smile and returned to her carriage.

The wagon from earlier arrived to take us back home. Me and Florian boarded, while father took the seat beside the coachman. 

"I still cannot believe you sold 12 of these." I said to Florian with astonishment in my eyes. To which he smiled sheepishly.

"You should start trusting me more." He proudly said and I chuckled.

That night, Florian had dinner with us and after that, he left.


3rd person pov.

Florian left Ria's house and made his way towards his own. A small room with an old looking bed and a small kitchen that he called his home.

It was almost midnight and the chirping of crickets could be heard everywhere.  A big lantern in one hand, when he reached near the gate, he saw a carriage standing outside. A hooded skinny figure pacing back and forth in front of his house. Presumably a lady, that hooded figure stopped her moment when her gaze fell on him. 

Florian ignored her and went into the house while she followed suit. He lit the candles inside and without turning to her, he spoke. As if he already knew who she was.
"What is your business at this late hour?" He asked blowing the matchstick. 

"Am I not allowed to come and see my own flesh and blood?" The woman spoke getting her hood down with one jeweled hand. Her eyes filled with a longing now trying to examine his face in the barely lit room. 

"I do not know what you are talking about." He said turning to her. "The only thing I know is, a person of your status should not be at a slummy place such as this."

She took a step forward and stretched out her hand towards him. His eyes followed her hand and he immediately took a step back.
"Have a safe journey, your majesty!" He said in an uptight tone.

Seeing her eyes now brimming with tears, his face softened. "How I wish I could convince you to come with me, my child." her voice broke.

He clenched his fists and in an enraged state picked up a glass from a nearby table and shattered it on the floor. She flinched back in fear. 

"Why can't you just forget that I exist. Just the way you did for the past 20 years?" He snapped. "I am a bastard child after all." He added with bitterness on his tongue.

Tears started to spill from her eyes.
"Never did I once forget about you my child. All these years, I have longed to hold you into my arms." She said wiping a tear off her pale cheek. "I was informed that you died just after I gave birth." 

"Enough. It is rather getting late. I suggest you leave, your majesty." He said in a softer tone, but a glint of sadness still evident in his green eyes. 

She put back her hood slowly, as if waiting for him to stop her. She glanced back one last time and left. 

Florian breathed heavily as a tear of regret and misery rolled down his left cheek. Wiping it off, he closed the door behind her and went straight to bed. 

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