The sheepdog

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 It is true what they said.

The other dogs were right, the air and land is getting colder.

It must be because of what they called winter.

It is not here yet, but will be soon.

All of this makes me really excited, since this will be the first time I will see it. The time I have been training for, for very long.

I have been trained to herd sheep and so have the others, before the winter really starts we have to get the sheep out of the mountains.

Every day I've trained, my humans help me with their funny birds, they call a whistle.

So many commands I have learned and many compliments I've gotten.

I am ready for this.

I leave the village with my boss and one of the other dogs.

Niall is an older dog, he has always been quite nice to me, so I'm happy that he is here.

"Remember what you have been learning all this time, Paddy." He lets me kindly know and I answer that I will be fine.

We follow our human up the mountain.

The first group of sheep is there, grazing on what little is left of the cold grass.

I have never understood why that would seem tasty to them.

Our human plays their bird, letting me and Niall know when we need to go right or left.

The sheep run before us in a group, with their thick wool they almost look like dirty clouds.

We bring them around a tree and through a small road down to the village.

The next group is a little further up the mountain.

This one is going well- Wait, what is that?

I stop to stare at a little white thing falling slowly like a feather from the sky.

Slowly, slowly.

It looks cold, but it isn't rain.

"Paddy! Stop staring and keep going! We need to get those sheep's back before the sun leaves." Niall barks at me.

"What is that?" I ask.

"That is snow and it is rather early, so we need to hurry!"

Our human seems to be getting a little stressed too and starts playing their bird louder and faster.

Right. Left. Right. Left. Stop. Go.

The snow starts falling faster and with more.

Slow, but also fast.

Making the ground all white and scrunching beneath my paws.

If I was home now, I would have been able to enjoy it.

I feel a bit jealous when I think of the others, who are playing in the snow right now.

Oh well, I was the one chosen for this job and they weren't.

Without knowing I have ran too far and I am left alone with one of the sheep.

The sheep looks annoyed at me and I decide to chase it back to where I think the path is.

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