Prank Call

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Prank Call

I don't understand,

Why am I all wet?

I can hear the doorbell of my apartment ringing,

there was a loud thumping on the door before my sight went black.

When I woke up, I am already dry and lying down on my bed.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" my sister said while sobbing.

I knew her just a few years ago, after I decided to find my real father.

Instead of finding my biological father I found 2 older siblings who were both living in Davao.

I become close to my half-sister Eleanor.

I stared at my sister, but not a single word coming out from my mouth.

A single tear just rolled down my eyes.

"Kumain ka na ba?" She changed topic when she saw my tear.

"Walang pagkain sa ref mo, when was the last time you did your grocery?"

"Do you want something?"

She kept on asking,

yet I never answered even one of her questions.

My sister prepared a dinner for me,

it was my favorite sinigang.

I know she was hoping it would tempt me to eat,

But I don't have the appetite,

despite me not having a decent meal for weeks now.

I stand up from my bed and decided to play a music.

I walked towards my laptop, and when I opened it, I saw my laptop's screensaver.

A photo of me and Crawford in a restaurant, as we celebrate our anniversary.

Then words escape from my mouth.

"Why can't I die? Why should I live in this labyrinth of pain? Why am I always left behind?"

I said with my emotionless face.

Then, my sister walked towards me, held my hand, and spoke.

"Cry, Shout if you want. I am here to listen; I am here for you" Her voice was cracking.

I remained frozen, no reaction, not even a single drop of tear.

Then my sister continued speaking.

"Alam ko sinisi mo nanaman sarili mo, Sis there's nothing wrong with you.
He didn't plan on leaving you. I know, and I saw how much he loved and cared for you. Seeing you like this will not make him happy."

Before she even finishes her sentence, I broke down and cried.

I tossed my laptop from the table, ruined my bed, and even threw the lamp from my bedside table.

My sister didn't stop me from doing so, maybe this emotional outburst is what I needed.

"Ahhhh.." I shouted in pain, holding my chest.

This feel so good, I've been suppressing my emotion for a long time.

Two days from now It'll turn a year.

A year since he left me.

A year since I received a phone call from his cousin.

It was my graduation day,

After course hopping for a good couple of years, finally!

I finished a course.

I was so happy.

"Oy, asan si Crawford?" my classmate Maya asked me.

"He'll be here in a while; he went to Cebu with his family, but he'll be back today for my graduation" I said grinning.

Crawford have been very supportive of me especially with my studies.

I am a snob, while Crawford's known for his kindness and helpfulness.

I easily get bored and tend to hop from one course to another, yet Crawford was the complete opposite to that.

He gave my life direction.

He was my anchor.

And now finally.

"Ellena Isle L. Buenaventura" the presenter called my name.

I was scanning the audience with my eyes;

"I can't find Crawford." I told Maya.

He's supposed to be here to take pictures of me wearing my Toga and accepting my diploma.

"Sinabihan ko kapatid ko na ka, don't worry." She said assuring me.

But that's not it, it's not just about the picture.

It's him witnessing this milestone with me that's important.

Because he made a big impact in my life.

Me graduating wouldn't be possible if I didn't meet him.

Then my phone rang before I could even climb up the stage to accept my diploma.

I answered the call.

"Hello, Sam?"

There was silence on the other line.

"San na kayo huy? I am about to get my diploma, but I can't find you and Crawford."

I said annoyingly, both Sam and Crawford know how important this day is for me.

After a deep inhale he finally spoke.

"Crawford is gone, he flat lined in the hospital."

"Huh?" I am confused.

"He's just in a vacation with his family in Cebu. Diba you're with him?" I said confidently.

"Yes, I am with him. We went to Oslob yesterday, and on our way back to the shore our boat was hit by a big wave turning it upside down. He lent his life jacket to one of the young passengers who wasn't wearing any." He explained just so I'll believe him.

"No, Crawford is a good swimmer. He won't drown." I refused to believe what he said and turned the call off.

After that phone call I checked my SNS and saw post of condolences on my social media.

"What the hell are they doing?" I said to myself and dialed Crawford's number.

He didn't answer.

My hands begin shaking.

"This couldn't be."

"This isn't real."

I was talking to myself, then I ran.
I ran as fast as I can, and my feet brought me to where we first met.

Uyanguren street, the busy street in the morning is quieter in the evening.

I was wearing my toga, it was my graduation day, I was sitting in the middle of the road where we first met. I can't process everything, I refused to believe what they say.

"He'll come back to me." I consoled myself at the thought of it.

"Tomorrow morning he'll arrive." He was supposed to arrive today for my graduation, but maybe, because of flight delays he didn't arrive on time.
"I'll wait for him." Tomorrow when I wake up, he'll be beside me again.

I then hailed a taxi and went home to my apartment.

Turned off my phone to avoid reading and hearing these silly people's prank messages and calls.

♥️This is my first time writing a Novel, I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I love writing...
If you have any suggestions or comments regarding my writing style, please do comment to help me improve as a writer...
I will do my best to update this story everyday or at least every other day!!!
Thanks for the support!!!!

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