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Catch Me


It's been almost a year, but the pain still feels the same.

I stare at the ceiling blankly.

My phone rang and before I could even answer, it stopped ringing.

Then my voicemail beeped, and I heard my sister nagging.

"I know you're there, bangon na please.

Life must go on! If you need someone to talk to, we're here, your family is here.

We've been waiting for you, please don't shut us out."

She's been constantly calling me everyday for 2 weeks now, after we last saw each other.

Maybe she's checking out if I am still breathing.

2 weeks ago,

I thought I was already fine,

so I went out and catch-up with my friend and sister.

I was okay.

That's what I thought.

Yet here I am again, shutting myself from the world.

I've been doing this for the nth time.

Being okay, and the next thing I know shutting again myself from the world over again.

My heart still aches every day I wake up,

it feels like the wrath of gods punished me without me even knowing what I did wrong.

I know I am an awful person,

but do I really deserve to be in this so much pain?

I can't take it anymore and every time I wake up,

I just feel like sleeping again.

I closed my eyes,

and I can still remember my love's warm touch,

sweet embrace,

and angelic smile.

How could an angel like him hurt me this bad?

How could a person so sweet left me with so much bitterness in my heart?

I closed my eyes,

then remnant of past filled my memory again.

"Oh, shit my phone!"

I said as I go down from the tricycle I was riding.

Panting hard as I run along Uyanguren street,

I know I am not supposed to run after this man.

But that phone came from my first salary,

my hard-earned money.

I've been tutoring day and night just so I can afford to buy that phone,

And thinking about it go to waste just because a snatcher took it away from me?

I can't accept the thought of it.

Running with my high heels on,

not to mention wearing a skirt because I am still in my school uniform,

made everything so difficult for me.

But before I could even hold the snatcher's shirt,

as if naman I am fast enough to do it,

I saw someone's arm from behind me grab the snatcher,

everything was so fast.

and before I knew it,

The snatcher was already on the ground begging for him to be freed.

"Ano yan?"

the person in motorcycle passing by asked.


Said the man who helped me.

Instantly the man riding the motorcycle hopped down from his vehicle and land a punch on the snatcher's face.

"Gago ka"

Another person asked and the same thing happened.

Then I realized the snatcher threw my phone before he hit the ground.

My heart was racing,

tears rolled down my eyes,

as I was busy picking up the pieces of my broken phone on the floor.

I never have to work a day in my life to get what I want,

But to get this phone I worked hard because I was trying to be independent.

I just came to realize the value of money,

and this was the first item I bought from my own pocket without having to ask from my parents.

When the policemen came,

they drag the snatcher into their mobile car,

"Sama ka miss!"

I was hesitant, this was the first time for me to ride a police mobile car.

Never in my life I had imagined myself riding in one.

I stepped in without saying a word.

"So, this is how it feels like being a criminal."

I said to myself while riding at the back of the mobile.

But wait,

I can't find the man who helped me,

I didn't even have the chance to say thank you to him.

♥️This is my first time writing a Novel, I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I love writing...
If you have any suggestions or comments regarding my writing style, please do comment to help me improve as a writer...
I will do my best to update this story everyday or at least every other day!!!
Thanks for the support!!!!

CHAPTER 1 WILL BE UPLOADED AT 6:00PM Philippine Standard Time

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