SS1: Strictly Business

Start from the beginning

"No shit."

"Ahem. There's a client that will pay us an extraordinary amount to help them-"

"Help them with what?" I cut him off, knowing where this is going.

He was silent for a minute, "You see, our client is... a... Human rights organisation," he said the last part after thinking about what to say about them.

Of course, I'm not fucking stupid. I know full well who he's talking about.

"It's Reunion, isn't it?"

"It is Reunion yeah," He shakes his head in defeat.

"What do they want?" I inquired further.

"'help' from us. It's all they told me." He then laid back and put his legs back up on the desk, "In any case, I've prepared a fuck ton of weapons in the warehouse, cold and hot. I trust you already know where it is?"

I nodded. Of course I do, we only have one warehouse dumbass. Somehow, the LGD has yet to find out. Either it's incompetence or Valor's hiding the warehouse very well... it's probably incompetence.

"Great. Now, I trust you as an expert negotiator, alright? It did cost me quite a bit of money... and your salary to buy all those from shady people in the black market."

He then unpaused the TV, and I heard some of the corniest lines ever.

"My... le bomb... le killed people?"

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call them people"





"I thought we were building a rice cooker?"

"Well, you're technically right."

"What the hell are you watching?" I asked him after hearing that corny ass dialogue.

"Nothing that concerns, you, as a woman." He said as he threw a popcorn into his mouth, "Now go on... oh by the way."

As I was walking out of the door, he called me out. Naturally, I turned to him, where he proceeded to open a drawer and threw me a handgun, which I easily caught.

"That's your last resort. Use it when necessary." He then returned to watching the tv.


"How bothersome..." I muttered, rubbing my head in frustration.

I examined the handgun he handed me, checking it over. The letters 'P365' were imprinted on the side. I pulled out the magazine and gave it a quick look.

9mm Luger... probably good for close quarters combat, I guess.

I slid the magazine back into the handgun and cocked it. Aiming down the sights with one hand, I mimicked firing a shot before letting out a sigh and lowering the gun.

Let's just pray I won't have to use this. Ever.

I went inside my office, and after confirming that I was alone, "Vincent, come out." I ordered.

When I uttered those words, a black mist suddenly appeared beside me, and from it, came a large burly Sarkaz.

Giant horns, a thick tail, and his eyes is covered with a cloth. He wore a typical mercenary's uniform. A bit old and ragged, but would still be wearable.

And so bloody many black crystals on his skin. This is not someone I want to be around with for a long time, lest I become an infected. But he's the only suitable bodyguard for me. He's done his job well, over the years...

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