Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You? Part 2

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Authors note: As always, read the notes at the end. Also, I met a Mostima cosplayer back in Sunday and took a few pics with her. We truly live in a post-modern world in the cusp of a fourth or maybe second digital revolution...


She didn't help me... That damn fallen angel just laughed at my cry for help.

No worries, I thought back then. It wouldn't take more than half an hour, right?

How wrong I was.

I ended up working on placing the explosives and set up defences all by myself while she does whatever like exploring and looking at me work, I don't know.

"Hey, if you want to leave, now's the perfect time." I said to Mostima who was watching me from behind as I set up a claymore mine behind the front door, "The there's a backdoor there, you can leave before I board it up."

"Why should I?" I can't see what she's doing back there, but I can guess that she's crossed her legs.

"Because... There are at least hundreds of policemen out there, and while yes I did take you as a hostage. You're not forced to stay here."

I finished setting up the claymore mine and turned to Mostima. You know, with the little interaction totalling to a whopping 5 hours I've had with her, I never understood her at all. is she a Sankta, or is she a Sarkaz? Both? Being both an Angel and a Demon?

Now, I'm no psychologist, but I'm pretty sure behind that fake smile is something more.

I should know, I've been there.

"Say, Mostima. I have a question." I said as I sat down on the floor and cleaned my Ak-74.

"Oh? What is it?" She watched in interest as I did maintenance to the rifle.

"How did become like that? Like that I mean." I pointed to her horns and dark halo and wings.

"That's a pretty personal question for someone who I just met in a random family restaurant." She grinned.

"I'm serious and curious." I shake my head, "I'm a believer of God, and I am a man of knowledge."

"Really~?" She teased.

"Ahem. Trust me on this one." I faked a cough.

"... fine, if you must know. But! I'll answer your question and you'll answer mine. Quid Pro Quo as the say, heh." She rests her chin on her hands.

"Fine. Just get this over with."

"well~ where should I start?"

"At the relevant part." Heavy emphasis on 'relevant' there.

"Well, there's not much. I broke a law in Laterano, and now I'm here."

"Yeah well, what law exactly?"

"There are some laws that are absolute for us Sankta, even if we don't live in Laterano. And the law of Laterano are Absoulute."

"Absolute laws, huh? How does that work?"

"Laws that we shouldn't break under any circumstances. Like pointing a gun towards your own kind. Would you do that, Valor?"

"I assume that is how you ended up like this. But to answer your question... yeah, yeah I definitely would if said person was threatening my life, or... something else."

"Hmm~. I was forced to give up my guardian gun. And I was forced into exile."

"Sounds tough. To give up your gun... that's like getting stripped of your rights, right? I read somewhere that Laterano has a constitution with thirteen rights that are guaranteed to every Lateran citizen. One of them involves guns."

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