He was also starting to get really aggressive with me. He would like grab my arm really tight or pull my hair really hard and then laugh and apologize.

"WHAT IS IT BEY??" He yelled. I jumped and got out the bed. I had on a tank top and my baby bump was showing. I was starting to get fat to so that was another reason why.

"i-im pregnant Lyndall" I said. He threw the pregnancy test to the wall behind me and hit the wall making a hole in it.

"Bey what did you do!? You can't be pregnant" he said not believing it and pacing back and forth.

"Abort it" he said na d stopped in front of me.

"WHAT! NO!" I yelled. "Im not aborting my baby Lyndall" I said. I was really trying not to cry tight now. He got mad and gripped my neck really hard. He caught me off guard.

"l-let m-me go" I said.. my tears gave escaped and I was only thinking about breathing right now. I laughed and threw me to the wall.

"ahhhh" I yelled. My back was hurting. He started walking to me and I was trying to get up. He kicked me in my side and I fell right back down.

"if you won't kill it then k will" he said. He got down on his knees and turned me in my back with me fighting and kicking him. He punched me in my face making my head spin.

Right after that he started punching me in my stomach and I could do anything. I felt something wet on mg legs so I touched it and brought my hand up. I seen nothing but red liquid.

I screamed and cried. He called the ambulance and then he left. why would he do that to me!!

When I got in the ambulance the kept asking me questions but I jus said I got jumped and then I blacked out.

Flash back over.

"Im so sorry" I cried. Something like that happened to me when I was hi n foster care. I jus never told anyone. Lyndall don't even know.

"its okay kamryn. I'm healed bow and I have four/ five beautiful children" she said holding me.

I cant, I jus kept crying. She cried because I was crying. After at least 20 minutes I had stopped.

"do you want to stop or keep going" she asked me.

"keep going" I whispered.

"okay. This might sound dumb but after that I still stayed wit him after that. He would best me all day and every time I did something ''bad'' or I said something slick. After a couple if years I met your real father, Shawn.."


Beyonce POV (2000)

Its been some years now and lyndall still beats in me. Only this times its worse. He started drinking and staying out more. He would cheat in me and come back and rub it in my face. He would rape me when he would cone back drunk.

Tonight we are at a party for his promotion. He got the building sold to him because his boss is retiring.

"it is really nice to see your Mrs.Locke Lyndall speaks very highly of you" his co-worker Dave said. I nodded my head and he told me he was going to go talk to some other people.

Before he left he kissed me on the side of my mouth then walked away.

Omg why would he do that. I jus smiled and pushed my hair behind me. It got so hot in here. I turned my head to the right and seen Lyndall staring at me drinking something from his cup.

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