39• Lázuri Niah Scott

Start from the beginning

He looks at me smiling.

"I'll be honest with you. I've ordered for you to get iron, vitamin and dietary supplements in either your meal or drinks. Between all this traveling, I want you healthy and not drugged, so I apologize for doing it the sneaky way."

"Oh." I smiled. "Thanks, but I wanna see them though."

He said nothing but got in bed and I did so too, throwing my foot over his waist and my arm over his chest.

I'm sure we'll start off like this, but before the night ends I'll be on my end curled up like a ball and the sheets over my head.

I've done it so much when we slept together on the yacht that he knows the exact time to get up and move the sheet from my face. He's worried, having the excuses that I won't be breathing properly.

"What's on your mind?" He asked, one hand on my back and the other on my ass.

What I appreciate is the smoothing backrub. It felt like I will be asleep in no time.

"I'll have to speak with my parents but somehow I can't take the stress. Then there's Uncle Vince, it's like daddy is the most sane person in the Scott family."

"Why is that?" He inquired.

I eased up and looked in his face to see his expression. "All daddy wants is for me to be close to him as his only child, it's understandable. Uncle Vince on the other hand, he hates children and I know he hated me or still does. Yet when he disrespect Dainty for being a team mom and he passed his place with Beyú, labeling her as a golddigger of sorts."

"When did this happen?"

"Two months ago, I can't remember." I shrugged. "It's when I told you he came to me with a new job offer and I turned him down."

He hums then held my chin. "Baby."

"Yes?" I smiled.

"I'm here for you in everyway. Just how you have Dainty, you also have me, someone to talk to when you have anything to say. You may never know how much one conversation can free your mind or even help a situation."

Grinning, I know exactly what this green eyed man is up to.

"He's been working here for years. Don't let him lose his job like that."

"It's my job to remove all threats from your life. My name is not Zyair Lionel." He resorted.

Slapping his arm, he wasn't fazed.

"You need to forgive your cousin."

"My love, he is forgiven but his actions are not forgotten due to his stupidity. Your uncle has one chance of not messing up and lose this job and he has one chance of not being an eliminated threat. No one toys with those closest to my heart." He promised and I believed him.
It was around three Am when I got up and went downstairs. An hour earlier of the usual time André usually wakes up.

My excuse was food and I hummed as I made an early breakfast of what I dreamed about.

Pancakes but instead of syrup or butter, I topped it was melted cheese.

I ended up making something for André and there he was announcing himself with a yawn.

"Good morning love." I greeted, passing over his plate stocked with saltfish fritters, a bowl of oatmeal porridge, fried plaintains and seven scrambled eggs.

"Good morning, my love." He ignored the plate to have a kiss then gave me a smoothing back and belly rub. He pulls away and looks at my pate with a smile. "Pancakes and melted cheese."

"Pan la chez." I made up on the spot making him laughing. "Your love is running out of cheese."

"Thanks for breakfast, baby."

"You're welcome." I smiled, taking another piece of pancake.

I watch as he took the Meta Portal that's stationed on the kitchen island.

"You're adding cheese to the shopping list?"

"No." He answered and I frowned.


He turns the screen to me.

He longed into his schedule and I'm seeing what activities we'll be attending as of this week.

Mih nuh know why mih feel upset bout the lack of cheese. Like it's something mih desperately need.

"Oh." Turn it back to him since I've lost interest in anything else that eating. "For any free time we have, I'm making a stop a doctor's office."

He looks up at me and a faint smile came upon his lips that I would've surly missed. Just as last night.

"Wah yuh up to?" I asked.


"What are you planning? I know that look and you're being sneaky with something?"

"It's a huge surprise." Was all he revealed.

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