Oh Joy Brother Your Back

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Twilight's POV
"When should we head out." I ask Time as I watch Wilds sleeping form. "Whenever Wild is ready cub" Time says as he leans back onto a tree, closing his eyes. I look back over to Wild frowning. Sky is being used as a pillow, letting his finger tips brush the top of Wilds head as he hums out a song. Wild seems to be content with the feeling. "He's going to be ok." Four says as he sits next to me. I frown and look away from Wild to meet Fours eyes. Fours eyes flash red as he sets a hand on my knee. "He's strong so have faith in him ok?" Four says tilting his head to look me in the eye. I let out a sigh. "Ok" I say swallowing back the saliva that's building in the back of my throat. "I believe you." We will have to wait for what tomorrow brings

Lukas (Links big bro) POV
I walk into castle town and head to see Aryll before I go and visit Link and Wild. I walk in the direction to Arylls house but stop short when I see her huffing and puffing on the side of the road. "Aryll!" I yell as I jog up to her and she hurls her head in my direction and scowls. "My names not Aryll anymore Luka. That name died with Keke." She says glaring daggers at me. I flinch back slightly and rub the back of my head. "Sorry Ary- I mean Lily I always forget." I say smiling to her she sticks her nose up in the air and turns away from me. "Umm" I find myself saying. "Have you seen Link around? He probably has something to tell you." I say eyeing the castle.

"Oh yeah I found him." She says blowing air out of her nose like steam. "Oh so you know about Wild then! How are they?" I find myself asking and Aryll glares at me. "One went out in the woods yesterday. he's been passed out both times I've seen the bastard." Aryll says as she takes out a cigarettes and lights it. My eyes widen in panic. "Lily you should not be smoking. And Wild was unconscious? What's going on?" I ask Lily and turns her head to me. "I don't understand stand you." She says and I make a confused face towards her.

"Why care about him. He's as good as a killer." Lily says before turning away and walking away. "LILY! That is not true and you know it!" I say balling my hands into fists. She turns one last time. "I'm looking forward to Links future....... Especially if he does a painful death like Wild." She says and disappears into a alleyway. Damn... I can't get through to her. I think and I put my head in my hand. Wait Wild! I have to go find them. I think as I run towards the exit of castle town to find Wild.

I creep into the woods and look around till I hear some commotion in a clearing. "Hyrule how's he doing." "Better he will probably be awake soon" "good, we need to know when he's ready to travel." Two people say, one being named Hyrule who names there kid Hyrule? "Luka?" I hear from behind me I turn to see Twilight. "What are you doing here?" He asks and I sheepishly scratch the back of my head. "I came into town to get some good feed, and ran into my sister. She told me Wild was unconscious in the woods so I rushed here as fast as I could." I say and Twilight nods. "I'll explain everything, but you need to meet the others first." Twilight says and I tilt my head. "There's more?" I ask and Twilight surpasses a laugh before nodding and leading the way.

When we make it through the trees I see four new faces. One has a scar over his eye and a bunch of face tattoos, the weirdest thing about that man is how much he looks like my father. "Who's this." The man asks eyeing me, if you take away the scar, the face tattoos and add a accent like Twilights that would literally be my dad, younger but my dad. "This is Luka, Links brother." Twilight says gesturing over to me. "Luka this is Time, he's the eldest" I nod and stick out my hand "nice to meet cha" I say as Time claps his hand around mine. "Likewise, as long as your not like your sister." Time says starring daggers into me. I flinch at that. "Definitely not. My sister doesn't have the most sound of mind." I say looking into the man's eyes.

"Ooo who's this?" I young boy says standing behind Time as the other two newcomers make their way over. "The names Luka." I say with a smile sticking my hand out to shake his. "Oh oh I'm Wind!" He says grabbing my hand with both of his own and jerking then up and down. When he backs off a young man with straight blond hair that just reaches his chin walks up. "You can call me Four." He says taking my hand, a strong grip that I can tell, when he backs off a teen? Maybe comes over, he has fluffy light brown hair, it on the edge of being blond. "You can call me Hyrule" he says shyly. I give him a big smile and nod.

"Luka what are you doing here?" Warriors asks as he's packing up. I look over too him. "Herd Wild was unconscious and in the woods came as quickly as I could." I say scanning the area till I see his sleeping form. "Yeah we have some things to explain." Twilight said then he starts to do as he said. 

"WHAT?" I whisper yelling as to not wake Wild. "He had a seizure? What's the memory's about? Maybe I could help? No, no if he sees me it may trigger one... but you don't know the towns, Wild said there were only a few hylian towns... I
can-" I get cut off by Time. "Slow down and take a breath, then continue." I suck in a good amount of air and let it out. "Ok... ok... wait has he had any memories around you." I ask pointing to Time. "What do you mean?" He asks and I clarify. "Like has he been thrown into a memory with just you around?" I ask and Time shakes his head but brings a hand up to his chin. "He has before we got here, but not here if that makes sense." He says and I nod.

"Why?" Wind asks "you look a lot like my father..." I say and Twilight nods along. "I noticed that too, we may have to be careful with that." Twilight says "but anyways I can lead you to wherever your going and probably avoid all the towns, know this place pretty well." I say looking at the others.

"But what if Wild has another memory?" Hyrule say flinching back as I turn my head. "Why not just give us directions?" Legend? I think his name was says grumpily. "Directions won't help in these woods." I say before turning to Hyrule. "And I can cover my face if I have to, as long as he gets wherever your going safely." I say and Time sits there for a second.

"We will keep your face uncovered until we have to cover it." Time says and my eyes been up at him. "Oh and one last thing, they others said you work on a ranch with your family right? What's that place called?" Time asks. "Oh it's Lon Lon Ranch!" I say proudly before noticing the odd looks the others are giving me especially Time. "Uhh what?"

 "Uhh what?"

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