Hey Wild... wait...WILD!

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Wilds POV
we have been traveling for about 3 minutes before we got to I wooden house. "Welcome to our humble home!" Said Luka as he opened the door. I pulled my hood down lower as me and Link walk through the door with Luka coming in from behind. Once inside I saw two lady's and a man staring at us. "Ahh boys who did you bring with ye." The older man said with a heavy accent. "Hey dad this is Wild." Link said rubbing the back of his head. Dad? I have a dad? Never mind it seem to me that Links not taking the whole 'I'm your 100 year future self that died from a big fat laser' very well.

I nod and take a bow "hello it's a pleasure." The older lady cocks a eyebrow at me and Link then sighs. "I can tell when something's up Link, what's wrong" the older lady says with her hands on her hips. "It... nothing mom just got some things to... think about." Link says looking down. Way to make yourself look suspicious, past me, I must have been a terrible liar. Luka then comes up from behind me and puts his arms around me and Links shoulders. "Awww Link it's ok plus we will have to explain it any way." I could see the thought in Lukas head that I did NOT agree to, but before I could run away Luka removed my hood.

I was honestly getting tired of shocked faces at this point I think as I look at the three people in front of me. It was silent until the older woman walked over to me as quickly as she could with our running and put her hands on my cheeks. I flinch back but she holds on and starts to let her thumb rub my scars. "Link? Your my Link... I can tell your him... but that's also my Link... but... what happened?" The lady looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. "I-" I swallow the saliva building in my mouth. "I- its not a short story and I really don't want to explain it again... it's... not something I like to remember." Luka who had backed off of me once his mom had came up spoke up. "It's alright I'll explain and you can wait where ever if you want." Luka says and I nod then book it to the door leading outside.

Once outside I sigh with relief, I can't deal with these strangers... or family anymore. I take a few steps forward then feel a portal over me and I stick my arms out to catch them. "Ooof" says Sky? Oh sky how I missed you I thought as he collects himself on what happened, he then looks up at me eyes a little unfocused from the drop. "Hey wild." He says as he starts looking around then his eyes shoot back to me. "Wait... WILD!" He says as he wraps his arms around my neck. Sky's shifting causes me to fall on my rear. "Sky-" I start to say but he cuts me off while holding me tight. "Oh Wild what happened you scared the crap out of us when you up and disappeared."

"Well I-" I try to explain but Sky's not finished. "What is this place why are you by a house." Im tired of his introductions and push him away with my hands still on his shoulders. "If you would give me a sec I'll explain it to you." Sky just nods and I sigh. "Come on let's go under that tree first, I'm exhausted." Sky nods again and gets off me then sticks his hand out to help me up. I take it as we both head to the shade tree.

Once we got there I plop down on the grass and allow my eyes to close for a second before letting out a exhausted breath. "Let me start with this." I say peeling my eyes open. "I teleported into my Hyrule 100 years into the past and met my past self, along with a brother I didn't know I had, a mother, a father, AND a pregnant lady I still don't know." I say as Sky looks at me with curiosity.

"So you have a lot of trauma to unpack with this trip?" Sky asks and I just close my eyes and nod. I then feel sky lead my head to his shoulder. "Take a sec to close your eyes, if they come out I'll explain." He says I just give a acknowledged "hmm" as I feel myself drift off.

Łįñkš POV
after tuning Luka out as he explains our situation with Wild I decided it would be better for my sanity if I just left. Once outside I see Wild leaning on a man under our shade tree. I place my hand on my Master sword as I walk up. Once the man notices me he waves and makes a shushing motion with one finger over his mouth. He then pats the ground next to him asking me to sit. I decide to sit down next to him, if my future self can fall asleep on him I should be ok... right? I'm shaken out of my stupor from the man speaking. "Hello my name is also link, but I'm called Sky because I'm the hero of the Skyward sword." My mouth hangs open but I can't pull myself to care. Another link?

Sky then places his hand under my chin and closes my mouth for me. "Careful or you will catch some flys." Sky says with a smirk but then continues his story. "I travel with Wild and seven other Links that share the hero title." I nod and start to pick at my pants leg. "So... there will probably be seven more of you soon?" I ask as I switch to picking at the grass. "Yep! This is probably a lot to take in so I bet me and Wild can camp outside so you and your family can have some alone time?" Sky says setting a hand on my shoulder.

"It- we should be ok. It's not like you guys can help it and I bet mom would be more then happy to have you around. Plus I would hope you can cook because if Wild is anything like me, I can't." I sheepishly say as I look up to see Sky staring at me before he starts to giggle. He instantly stops as Wild stirs a little before tucking his face further into Sky's shoulder before settling. Sky then speaks up. "Wild is the only one in our group that can cook and is hella good at it too" sky says trying to suppress his giggles so he doesn't wake Wild. I look Sky right in the eye. "Your joking." Sky smiles and sets his hand in wilds hair and begins to massage his scalp. "I swear on my master sword I'm not."

Lukas POV
After explaining everything to mom, dad and Mia I decided to give them some time to think and check up on my little brother and new little brother. Once I open the door I see Wild sleeping on some random guy's shoulder and Link talking to that random guy looking like he's about to doze off. Nope, not happening, stranger danger I think as I walk up to them. The stranger sees me and whispers out a hello. I wave back with a scowl on my face "who are you" I say and wild seems to turn his head away from me and further in to that man's shoulder. The man then continues to massage his head. I don't know why but it annoys me "my name is Sky and I travel with Wild so don't worry I know him." He says smiling up at me.

I look over to Link and he nods confirming what sky says is true. "Ok I'll believe ye" I say as I sit down next to a tree on my left and Link scoots over and lays his head on my shoulder. I put my arm straight up in the air then push Link down so that he's laying on my lap. Link huffs out a breath but excepts it and relaxes. "So you came through one of those portal thingies?" I ask looking at sky. He nods and starts to explain. "Yes those portals randomly show up and teleport us to the past, present, and future." Sky says with a smile.

"So meeting your past self is normal... but that wouldn't make any sense, sense Wild acted really shocked." I say looking down at my sleepy brother barely keeping his eyes open. Sky nods and continues. "Your right this is the first time we have met our past selves, us hero's are at least 1000 years apart so we don't have to worry about running into past selves." Sky says looking at Wild. I reach my hand down and untie Links hair and start to mess with it and Link just gives out a satisfied hum. "Hero's hmm, is that why your traveling together? To defeat some big monster?" Sky nods and looks down at sleeping Link. "Yes all the hero's that Hyrule has had have been gathered together by Hylia to finally fully kill Gannon."

My eyes shoot up to meet Sky's. "Gannon... as in the calamity, Gannon?" He nods and looks into the horizon. "Yep. I was the first to defeat Gannon." Sky smiles at me but it doesn't reach his eyes. "It's probably hard to believe but all the hero's you meet, all there names are actually Link, including mine." Sky says as he sets his hand on his chest. I look at him and say "never thought just being named Link would come with such a responsibility." I huff out a breath and Sky brings his hand up to cover his giggles.

Back in the old daysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora