I dont think im doing ok...

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Wilds POV
I'm looking at Twilight's sleeping face and the first thing I notice is the deep purple eye bags that sit right under his closed eyes. "Did he sleep last night." I ask Warriors. Warriors look at me kind of sheepishly. "I... don't think so he was too worried to go to sleep... you know how he gets." Warriors says looking down at Sky. I nod and turn back to Twilight. I then hear a knock on the door. "Hey Wild... it's me, Link... can I talk to you? Please?" Warriors looks at me. I sigh and stand up to get the door. I open the door with a welcoming smile and say. "Sure you want to talk to just me or everyone?" I ask Link looks at me. "Umm it should be fine just need to introduce myself first." Link says as he plays with the sleeve of his shirt. I nod and lead him inside the room.

Link stops when he's in there and is starring at Warriors. "Here let me introduce the people here." I say as I stick my hands in my pockets. "So you know Sky so this is Warriors and Twilight, Warriors will probably help with your swordsmen-ship training." I say pointing at Warriors. "What now?" Warriors asks cocking a eyebrow at me. I turn my head to him and give him a stare that says 'I'll tell you later' Warriors just nods and looks back to Link. Link turns to Warriors and bows "I'm link it's a pleasure to meet you." Link says and Warriors nods, "likewise I hope to become great comrades" warriors says bowing back. Then Link turns to me. "So... I'm heading back to the castle tomorrow morning and I wanted to know how you want to do this training thing?" I nod and look to the ground. "Well for now we will just have mock battles, then we will have you observe me and the others fight." I say and look over to sky.

"Warriors can you wake Sky up?" I ask as I sit down on the bed Twilight is laying in. "Umm sure I guess." Warriors says as he shakes Sky's shoulder, and sky doesn't even flinch, so Warriors shakes both of his shoulders and we are still left with a sleeping Sky. "Is he ok..?" Link asks and Warriors speaks up. "Oh yeah he's just a heavy sleeper. One time he slept the rough a whole monster attack." Link nods as I go to help Warriors. "Ok I'll slap one side of his face, you do the other" warriors nods and gets ready. "1" "2" "3!" Me and Warriors slap Sky's face and then go to shaking his shoulders, once sky's eyes open we back off "mmmm- oh hey guys." Sky says sleepily "hey sky, now Warriors can you try and keep him awake." I ask, Warriors gives me a thumbs up and I turn to Link.

"Sorry for the wait why don't we take a seat?" I say as I pull up a chair facing the end of Twilight's bed and I sit on the end of Twilights bed. "So umm when do you want to leave tomorrow?" Link asks and I think about it. "Well are we using horses or no?" Link thinks about it. "I can ask Luka for some but they may be a bit wild." He says looking at me, I nod "that's not a problem, but can he spare 5?" I ask "I don't know I'll have to ask." Link says resting his chin on his hand. "Oh and one more question." I ask looking towards Warriors trying to keep Sky awake "yes?" Link says sitting up straighter. "How are you taking all of... this, I know it's not easy to process and I've already had my sob fest from it but I need to know if you are taking this ok?" Link looks into my red rimmed eyes as he falters "I-I um I guess I'm ok, I mean I'm not great but umm-" he takes a deep breath and turns to me "can we talk about this alone?" I nod and tell him to lead the way.

Once we are in his room he turns to me with his eyes all glossy. "I don't think I'm doing ok." Link says with his voice cracking. I nod and wrap him in my arms as he buries his head into my shoulder. "I-I'm j-just so so scared o-of if I'm going t-to fail an-and I couldn't cry t-to Luka. He's just s-so tough and n-never cry's what w-would he think I-" I cut him off "he wouldn't judge you... I may not remember having a blood brother but I have many of brothers, three of them are in the room I'm staying in." I slowly put my hands on his cheeks and wipe his tears with my thumbs. "You need to listen to your self for this one." I say with a smile and he laughs through his soft sobs. Then there's a knock at the door.

"Hey Link-e-dink can I come in?" Someone says at the door, it sounds like Luka. I look at Link and he nods. I go and open the door and put my body in the entry way to talk to Luka before he goes in. "Hey I'm going to let you in and I'm going to leave, he needs his brother right now." I say looking at his face. Lukas face shows a Face of horror as he asks what's wrong. I look him right in the eyes. "This time travel stuff is a lot for him and he just needs you." I say as I leave the room and head back to my own.

Twilights POV
I wake up with a pain in my head "uggg" I hear myself moan as I bring my hand to my forehead. My eyes start to slowly open and I try to focus in on the person standing to my side leaning over the bed. Once my eyes actually focus I see it's wild "WILD!" I yell as I shoot up and pull him into a hug, I wince at the pain that shoots through my head but pay no attention to it. "Hey I'm fine nothing to worry about." Wild says while patting my back. "You were MISSING Wild." I say holding him tighter. He lets out a chuckle "yeah and we had to eat Hyrules cooking." Says Warriors... wait Warriors? I turn and look at Sky and Warriors sitting on a bed parallel to mine. "Wait... where are we?" I ask looking up to Wild, he winces.

"Ok Warriors sit next to Twi." Wild demands as he thinks of what to say. Warriors nods and sits next to me. "Well basically we are about 100 years in the past of my Hyrule." My jaw drops and I look to Warriors and he looks a little less shocked. "I kind of expected it when I saw your past self." Warriors says I basically break my neck turning to look at him. "What you met your past self!?" I ask looking at Wild "well technically they met me first because I was passed out when they found me." Wild says sheepishly but recovers and continues "also this is the house he lives in with his family." "...WHAT" I find my self saying "but that means..." Wild looks at me "yeah... we are staying with my technical family that I don't know." Wild says sadly. I stand up (I'm a little wobbly but whatever) and hug him. Wilds shocked but soon sinks into my embrace, Sky and Warriors soon join and we sit there comforting Wild.

Back in the old daysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ