Getting To Know You

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I popped up holding the earring up above my hand. "Yay Kat!" Kylie cheered as I swam to the ladder. "Kris help me out. I don't want it to slip out of my hand as I'm climbing out." He nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me out with ease.

"Kimmy!" I shouted running with Kendall and Kylie to find Kim with mom. "We found it. I lost the back but I found the rest." "Oh my god, Kat." She pulled me into a big tight hug and I just smiled and patted her back.

I turned to Kris and said "Now you do that again and you don't live to see the light of day. Understand?" He of course just laughed but my face didn't change and he nodded quickly. "Good."


We were all at lunch when Kim and Kris showed up. "Hey guys." Kim sat next to me and Kris sat beside her. After Kim was finished she went to go and change and Kris was left alone and as soon as it was quiet the questioning from my mom started.

"So Kris, do you like kids?" He sighed and said "Yeah, I love kids." Mom nodded before she asked "Do you see yourself having kids one day?" He nodded again seeming a bit annoyed "As long as they're as chill as Mason."

I nodded as he looked over to me as if asking what was going on and I shrugged "Paint the perfect picture how many kids would you have?" He thought for a second before he said "No more than three probably?"

Mom then questioned "Three?" "Once they get older it all gets more complicated." I understood that as Scott got up along with Kourt to go get Mason changed. "So do you see yourself being married for 20 years."

We were interrupted and we all went back to our rooms. "Ah this is gonna be a fun one." I chuckled and whispered to myself as I got changed for dinner tonight.


We were all at dinner and it seemed to be going well but of course that never seems to last long in this family

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We were all at dinner and it seemed to be going well but of course that never seems to last long in this family. "Could I have a menu?" Scott asked the waitress who handed me my water and Rob said "It's cause you look like a waiter why would they give you a menu?"

"Rob don't start please." I sighed leaning back in my chair as mom scolded him "He doesn't look like a waiter. I just want to have a nice dinner guys." "I'm surprised you don't have a tear drop tatto like all your rapper friends."

I shook my head knowing how this would escalate and no one would come out on a good side. "Scott you should leave because you're ruining this trip." "This reminds me of back in the day. When everybody picked on Scott." "Shut up Scott. Ow!"

Rob whispered glaring at me after I had kicked him in the shin under the table. "You want him to leave for 'starting drama' yet you are acting like 4 year old. Shut up Robert." I rolled my eyes scolding the grown man sitting across from me.

"I don't give a f*ck." "Woah". Everyone quickly scolded him for saying that in front of Mason. It was always known that Kourt wanted us to filter ourselves around Mason as any mother would. "Not around Mason, Rob."

"Your a f*cking ****." "Oh my god." I whispered to myself in disbelief. "Ok you know what." Mom stood up and started to walk out. "No mom. Robert what are you a toddler." "That's insulting to all toddlers." Scott chuckled at his joke but I just rolled my eyes.

"Grow up." I said as I stood up and walked out to go back to my room.


I was getting ready to go lay out and tan with Kim when my phone started ringing

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I was getting ready to go lay out and tan with Kim when my phone started ringing. I smiled seeing it was Karter "Hello." "Hi babe, how's it going?" They asked me. "Oh you know my brothers acting like a 4 year old."

They chuckled as I rolled my eyes "Well what else is new." They asked sarcastically. "How's work been?" "Kat!?" I look and see Kim standing outside my door. I quickly mouthed it was Karter and she nodded before walking back out of the room.

"James is making me go to this meeting with a whole bunch of the share holders to introduce me to them." "Well that's good right?" I asked even though their tone was quite somber. "I mean yeah but I would rather be with you."

I smiled at that and felt a blush rush over my cheeks before they said "Hey Kat, I'm so sorry but I have to go I just wanted to talk to you for a little bit. I love you." "I love you too. Bye." I said quickly before they hung up and I put my phone in my bag before I went to find Kim.


We're all on a boat to go stingray and shark feeding. And we were all fine until the guide told us about the shark attacks and I think that set everyone off a little bit. But all of a sudden Kris shoved Rob into the water.

"Rob!" Everyone was yelling for Kris to help him out cause sharks were getting closer. "Rob swim to the other side of the boat." Bruce said annoyed with all the screaming. "Yeah no." I shook my head when Kim motioned for me to come see.


When we all got back to shore I was standing with Rob, Kyle's, and Kourt. "Rob do you like Kris?" Kourt asked him and he nodded "Yeah but I wasn't really into that." And I nodded as Kylie asked "Like with the sharks?" And I said "It's fine to push him but then help him out, y'know."

"I would expect someone who's meeting the family for the first time to be mr. goody too shoes. I just think that's who he is so I don't really care." I  nodded as he explained what he thought about Kris and Kourt scoffed saying "No believe me I couldn't care less."


I was in my room getting ready for bed hen I hear "Getting ready without me?" I gasped seeing Karter standing at the door. I squealed running into them and they caught me and hugged me walking into the room.

"You made it." I couldn't stop smiling as they set me onto the bed before putting their bags down and we both got ready and went to bed.

Word Count 1117)

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