Chapter four : The blood house

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TW!! animals being slaughtered.
(I know... I know... this broke my heart but it's the reality of living in the glade..)

~Y/n's pov~

"Okay so first we feed all the animals. If you want you can help me carry the feed to the pigs." Winston says with a friendly smile.
I nod and take one of the buckets from him that's filled with leftovers and some scraps.
We walk out of the Blood house and towards the pen with multiple cute pigs inside.
Winston opens the gate and he pours one of his buckets into the feeding trough.
The pigs immediately start eating from it happily and Winston pets one of them on the back.
I see some baby piglets running behind their mom and I hum in awe.
"They're so cute!" I say as I go to kneel down next to them, petting one of the babies that comes up to me curiously.
"They love you." Winston says as he smiles at me warmly.
He then walks to the pen next to the pigs and I follow right behind him.
We walk inside the pen with the sheep and again he pours a bucket into their feeding trough.
He struggles walking up to it though as the sheep are overly exited at the sight of food and block his way, trying to go for his bucket.
The sight makes me chuckle.
When he empties his bucket he walks back over to me before we make our way towards the pasture where the cows are grazing.
"You can give them your bucket." Winston smiles at me.
I do as I'm told and, just like I saw Winston doing, pour my bucket into the feeding through with the cows.
They all start eating happily and again I see three baby cows in between the adults.
"Aww look at them! You are adorable."
I say as I start scratching one of the babies on the top of it's head
"Sadly they're almost all male." Winston says.
I don't understand what he means with that but I decide to let it go, not feeling comfortable asking him a million questions since we only just met.
"Let's go feed the chickens and turkeys." He says as he smiles at me once again.
We walk into the blood house again but this time we fill our buckets with grain.
As we walk outside I already see the chickens and turkeys gathered at the gate inside their pen.
They already know they're about to get fed.
We walk up to the fence and pour the grain on the ground, spreading it out for them to find.
They immediately start pecking at the seeds and I see tiny little chicks chaotically running behind their mom.
"Awww, today is like the best day ever!" I say as I pout my lip, looking at the baby chicks with puppy eyes.
"Sorry I'm about to ruin it." Winston says as he looks at me with an apologetic look on his face.
I look at him with a questioning expression as he starts walking into the blood house once again and I follow him.

I see two boys in there already as they are tying up one of the pigs to a pole.
"This is Mike, and this is Tim." Winston introduces them as he points at them individually.
"Guys, this is Y/n." He tells them, gesturing towards me.
They both greet me and shoot me a polite smile before Winston speaks up again.
"Y/n, since this is your first day we will be doing most of the work but you can just help us keep him stable if you're up for it. Or you could hand us the knife?" He asks me.
"Knife?" I mumble as I try to make sense of the situation in any other way than what I'm thinking.
"Afterwards you can help us slice him up. It takes quite long if one person needs to do it so it's nice working on it with a few pairs of hands." Winston adds but I'm barely still listening.
My jaw drops slightly and my eyes stay glued on the pig in front of me.
"No." I mumble in disbelief.
"Y/n?" I hear Winston call my name.
"Wait no!" I yell, frantically looking around.
I feel tears brimming in my eyes.
"So all... all of those animals out there... the babies? I... No! You can't do this!" I stammer as I try my best to keep myself from crying.
"Y/n... We need to eat." Winston tries to reason with me with a saddened expression.
"But... How can you do this? You raised them!" I yell in disbelief.
All the boys look down at the floor without saying a word.
Winton puts his hand on my lower back and guides me out the door, back outside.
"Just wait outside okay? We'll just take care of this and then we'll see what we do." Winston says sympathetically.
I nod, not knowing what else to say.
Winston squeezes my shoulder before going back inside.
I just stay frozen in place, knowing there is nothing I can do about this.
I know they're right, we need to eat.
But I wish we didn't have to hurt them for it.
I hear some commotion coming from inside and then I hear the pig squeal.
The sound it makes pierces right through my heart and I slap my hand in front of my mouth as I let out a sob.
The pig stops squealing only a second later and I feel tears rolling freely down my cheeks as I imagine what just happened.
Then I see someone walk up to the blood house, holding two chickens.
I look at him with pain in my eyes but he doesn't even notice me standing there.

Not wanting to wait for what will happen to the chickens I start walking away, not even knowing where.
I feel myself sobbing quietly as I make my way towards the tall building in the glade.
I feel sick to my stomach.
When I get closer to the homestead I see Newt walking and not long after that he notices me too.
At first he smiles and waves at me excitedly but when he sees my pained expression his face drops.
He walks over to me with a quick pace and when he reaches me I immediately throw my arms around his neck.
He hesitates for a second before he wraps his arms around me, rubbing my back as tears still roll down my cheeks.
I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck and I feel one of his hands support the back of my head.
"I'm sorry..." He says in a hushed tone.
I pull back slowly and look at him with sadness in my eyes.
"I can't be a slicer Newt." I sob.
"I understand love. I could never be a slicer either." He says understandingly.
"Come on, lets go somewhere more quiet." He says as he starts leading us to the spot where we fell asleep together yesterday.

~Newt's pov~

We both sit down and she immediately scoots closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder.
I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them loosely.
I hear her breathing calm down.
I think about what I can do to make her feel better but my mind comes up blank.
I settle on trying to take her mind off of it by telling her about the meeting.
"I just talked to Alby. Obviously we've never had a girl in the glade so there are some things that we'll have to figure out. We decided that it would be best to call a meeting tonight with all the keepers and Alby and me. I suggested that you should be there as well, if you'd want to at least, since... well.. it's about you." I explain.
"Yeah I'll come." She says carefully but I still hear the sadness in her voice.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just couldn't... I-" I stammer but she interrupts me.
"It's not your fault. I was stupid. I mean, it's literally called the blood house and the slicers. I don't know what I thought it would be." She sighs.
"Don't say that love. Look, it's over now, you don't have to worry about it." I try to reassure her.
"I can't wait to work in the gardens with you." She says innocently and I can't help but think about how excited I am to spend all day with her in the gardens.
"Unless you guys brutally smash and murder all your plants." She says sarcastically and I feel her body vibrate as she chuckles lightly.
"No, I promise I won't make you... brutally kill any plants." I say jokingly.
"Thanks Newt." She says in a more okay tone.
I sigh and put my arm around her as she still rests her head on my shoulder.
I rub the side of her arm as she cuddles up to me.
I can tell she feels safe with me and it warms my heart.
If I'm totally honest with myself I know she has that effect on me as well.
When I'm around her I feel more at peace.
Sleeping next to her last night felt so safe.
Normally I am haunted by nightmares but last night she kept them away.
When I'm around her I feel like my heart beats a tiny bit easier.

Seeing her upset like that broke my heart and all I wanted to do was hold her close and tell her everything was going to be okay.
I'm so happy she wants me to be here with her.
I look around and find a stick so I pick it up and move my legs slightly to make some room in front of us.
Y/n moves her head of my shoulder since I moved my arm away from around her.
I start making a roster in the dirt by dragging the stick through it, making nine squares.
"Do you know this game?" I ask her, looking at her.
"Tic tac toe? I don't know how but yeah, I remember it." She smiles softly.
I hand her the stick, allowing her to start.
She puts an X in the top right corner before handing me back the stick.
We each keep drawing either an X or an O when it's our turn until she gets three X's in a row.
She lets out a small excited yelp and throws her hands up in the air.
I just smile at her as I watch her intently.
"Well done love." I say and she smiles brightly at me.
"You know what I've noticed?" She starts, making me look at her again.
"What love?" I ask simply.
"You're the only person that never called me greenie. You always call me 'love'." She smiles innocently.
I chuckle slightly before nodding in agreement.
"I'm sorry, would you rather have me call you something else?" I ask.
"No. I like it." She smiles but then I see her cheeks grow red as she looks back down at the ground.
"Another game?" She says without taking her eyes off the ground as she tries to change the topic.
I don't reply but instead wipe away our previous game and start drawing the roster again.
We sit there and play for a while longer and I let her win every time.
I'd do anything to see her smile, especially after seeing her upset.
And every time she wins, every time she chants out excitedly, I can't help but feel like I'm the one actually winning.

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