Price has a bad day

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THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR 10K (almost 11k now) READS!!

I never thought this collection would get that many reads, let alone like 1k

Completely underestimated how well this was going to do.

I am going to post 2 more Ghost and König one shots and 1 more Price one before I call this collection good (so 5 one shots per character) soooo ye

Idk when the next update will be, but I will probably post 2 next time

Anyways, enjoy this one shot :)

Sorry in advance

WC: 1249

CW: mentions of death


It had been a long month for Price. He was involved in an extremely difficult and high-steak mission. He had been gone for 3 months already.

You and him had been dating for a good while now. He was almost about to propose to you, but the night that he planned on doing it, he got called in for duty.

You had missed him. A lot.

Because of how important the mission was, he couldn't call you. Out of the 3 months that he had been gone, he only messaged you twice.

One was just a short update on what was happening and why he wasn't replying to you and calling you like he normally would...

The other one was a heartfelt goodbye...

I love you so much... I want to have a family with you so bad Y/n, I want to make it out of this mission alive to see you.

But I don't know if that's going to happen...

If you get the messengers at your door to tell you that I died in action, just know that I died a happy man. I never thought I deserved you. You are too kind for this messed up world and too loving for a man like me. The one thing that I ask of you if you get the terrible news that I died, is to move on. I don't want you to be stuck on me forever. Be happy.

I want to see you happy, even in the afterlife. It is the only thing that I long to see more than you: for you to be happy.

I love you. If I live, expect to see me at the train station next month. If I don't, I'm so sorry.

Just know that you meant the world to me.

You had been reading the series of texts day and night, hoping with all your heart that he didn't pass and that he was strong enough to live to see another day. Like always.

As you stood at the train station, waiting for the train that dropped off the military personnel to come, you can't help but tap your foot and shift your weight back and forth constantly. You were digging your nails in your arms with the sinking feeling in your stomach that he was gone.

As the train pulled into the station, the wind from it causing your hair to blow in front of your face, your heart sank.

This was the moment.

If he wasn't there...

he was gone...

The doors open and men and women dressed in camo with duffle bags basically flowed out of the carts. Your eyes start to scan the crowd and try to spot him, your heart beating faster every moment that you can't see his face.

Then you spot him.

Your eyes start to tear up as you make your way to him.

Once he sees you, he gives you a soft smile and nods in your direction.

You shoot the smile back and embrace him in a hug. "You scared me you piece of shit.." You say softly. You could feel his chest rise and fall in a slow manner... that wasn't like him.

You could hear his heartbeat as your head laid on his chest. It was slow.

Something was wrong.

As you moved back a little to see his expression, your heart basically broke.

He looked like he had been through hell and back. He had dark eye bags and his eyes were red and puffy. He didn't have the usual smirk that always adored his lips. He had a frown. His whole face displayed sadness and the pain of loss.

"You... ok?" You ask, taking another step back to give him space.

He looked at you, his body starting to shake with exhaustion and built-up emotions. "Let's just go home... Please.."

You nod as you grabbed his hand and lead him to the car. You helped him get his duffle bag into the back before you two got into the car.

You got into the driver's side and started to drive home. Every red light and stop sign gave you the chance to look over at him. He was never looking at you. He had remained in the same position since you two got into the car.

He was leaning his head against the window and just watching the outside world move as you drove. The rest of his body was lying relaxed in the seat.

It broke your heart to see him like this. You didn't even know what he had gone through since he made it clear that all he wanted to do was to go home.

When you got home, he grabbed his bag from the back and headed inside. You followed him, shutting the door behind you two before the sound of soft sniffling filled your ears.

You looked at Price who had his back to you. You made your way over to him and put a reassuring hand on his back as he let his bag hit the ground.

You looked up at his tear-stained face. It almost physically hurt to see him like this. You gave him a hug and the feeling of his arms wrapping around your body tightly made you want to cry.

"It's ok..." You say softly. You lay your head on his chest and listened to his unsteady heartbeat as he cried.

"So many people died... all on my watch..." He started.

"I had people dying in front of me and in my arms, I... maybe if I had done better... worked faster, planned better, got a better team... Maybe they wouldn't have died... they shouldn't have died.."

You didn't know how to respond. You had no clue any of this was happening.

"Don't blame yourself Price." You start. You try your hardest to keep your voice strong so he had something to ground himself to as you reassured him. "Sometimes there's nothing you can do. You did your best. And you're still alive. You made it back and I'm assuming the mission was a success because of that."

He nodded. He had more to say as he got lost in his own thoughts, but he knew that it wouldn't do him any good to try to argue.

You two stayed like that for a good half an hour. The silence that filled the air was comforting, especially to Price considering what he had just gone through.

He then let you go. When he did that, you told him to go take a shower and relax for a little bit. While he did that, you cooked him a meal, knowing that he hated the military food and preferred your cooking over anything else.

When you were done with his food, you decided to bring it up to him so he could relax on the bed while he ate. When you opened the door to the room, you saw him sleeping soundly.

It was the most peaceful you had seen him since he got back.

You sat the plate of food on his nightstand and sat next to him in the bed, playing with his hair and gently rubbing his sore muscles, lulling him deeper into sleep.

Ghost, König, And Price One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin