Someone touched Königs mask

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General info

This is the fanon version of this OS, Im planning on trying to make a canon version further down the line, but not right now.

WC: 1195

Enjoy :)


It was a quiet day at the KorTac base... Well, for the most part.

It had been a long morning for you and König both. You guys had the wonderfull opportunity to take care of some new recruits and take care of chores around the base.

You were in the middle of touring the base to a group of recruits. You entered the mess hall and your heart dropped.


He was sitting on the ground, knees against his chest as his hands covered his face. His mask was on the floor infront of him while his group of recruits stood around him and laughed.

"Go to the shooting range, stay there until I get back." Your voice was strict as you turned to your recruits and spoke. They all nodded silently and walked away, whispering.

You then made your way towards the sad scene in front of you. It broke your heart to see him like this...

He looked almost broken as he made quiet sobs, curled up as small as his big body would let him get as it trembled.

You shot daggers at the recruits. "Shooting range now." Your voice was cold. Some of the recruits followed your order, making their way out of the mess hall while snickering to themselves.

"What are you going to do about it?" One of the recruits commented. Their tone was snarky as they stared at you with a smart ass look in their eyes.

You took a step towards them, closing the gap between the two of you as you looked down at them with anger basically dripping from you gaze.


They scoffed and left, the rest of the recruits following them.

The moment they left, you knelt down and grabbed Königs mask off of the floor. You handed it to him, looking away as you did so. You felt König grab his mask out of your hand and put it on, the sobs becoming slightly muffled as he put it over his head and adjusted it so he could see.

You look back over at him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Lets get you to your office big guy." You say softly. He just nodded and stood up, towering over you as he did so.

You two made your way swiftly to his office, making sure that none of the recruits followed you. Once you got there, he took out the group of keys that he had on a ring. They made soft clinging sounds as he trembled and put one of them into the key hole of his office door.

Once he opened the door, he quickly went in. You hesitated to follow him, not knowing if he wanted you with him or not.

He then gently grabbed your arm and pulled you in with him. His grip on you was firm, yet gentle. It felt like he almost didnt know his own strength or like he was afraid to hurt you.

He shut the door behind you as he let go and started to quietly sob again. He walked over to his desk and just bent over it, resting his hands on the edge as he cried.

"You ok?" You knew the answer to the question, but you also felt the need to ask it anyways.

"They humiliated me." He said, his voice shaky. "Sie haben es einfach abgerissen..."

You nodded as you slowly approched him. You put a gentle hand on his back as you made your way to the side of him. His eyes were closed under his sniper mask, tears making streaks through his eye black.

"Did you see..?" He opened his eyes and looked at you with worry. He was so shaken up that the beautiful blue eyes that you normally found comfort in looked sad and hurt.

You shook your head no, knowing that he was referring to his face. "No I didn't."

He nodded as he brought one of his hands up and under his mask and wiped his tears. He was starting to calm down. You could feel it in his breathing as his back and shoulders slowly rose and lowered with the deep breaths he was taking.

"The recruits will be punished... heavily." You reassured him. You stared at his eyes as he nodded and calmed down.

He stood up straight, towering over you once again as he looked down at you.

"Can I hug you..?"

Without hesitation, you nod and hold out your arms towards him. He takes the invitation greatfully, wrapping his arms around your waist gently. You wrapped your arms around his chest and gave him a gentle, but reassuring squeeze.

You two stayed like that for a couple of minutes, not talking, not moving, just standing in silence as you embraced each other. The silence was a comforting one, letting him know that everything was ok.

After a few minutes, he let you go and looked at you with appreciation. He gave you a soft nod as if saying thank you before he made his way to behind his desk.

"I'll be in here for the rest of the day if anyone needs me." He says as he sits down and grabs a pen. You give him a nod as you make your way out of his office.

As you shut the door, you could hear him pull out paperwork that he had to work on.

You walked away from his office, making your way to the shooting range quickly to handle the recruits.

You found out who tore his mask off and made them get the harshest punishment while the rest of Königs recruits did the same, but were able to take meal breaks.

You watched his recruits for the rest of the day, making them run laps and do double time exercises that left their entire body burning and aching for a break.

Some passed out. Some threw up. Some got cramps. But you didn't care. They all deserved it for humiliating a Colonel.


Later that night, you let the last recruit stop. They had been the one to rip Königs mask off. They were drenched in sweat and almost collapsed as they bent over to catch their breath.

This drew a small smirk out of you.

You then made your way to your quarters. It was pretty late and you needed to get some sleep before the briefing early tomorrow morning.

As you open the door to your quarters, you notice a small note card on the floor infront of the doorway.

You bend down and pick it up, not looking at it as you enter your room and close your door. You take off your boots and change into comfortable clothes before sitting down on your bed and finally looking at it. The handwriting was kind of sloppy, as if it wasn't their first language.

'Thank you for helping me


You couldn't help but smile as you read his name.

Ghost, König, And Price One ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz