Karishma quickly puts her gun in the ankle holster and gets out of the car to get on with her day. "Thanks, Brian."

"Good luck, kid."

"See ya."

Karishma makes her usual path into Haseena's house. It has become a routine that Karishma isn't sure if she wants to stop. Every time she steps onto that fresh green grass, she knows Haseena is going to be waiting for her with a sneaky smile on her face. It has been a while since she had someone waiting for her. Although this is not for the right reason, it could eventually be. Karishma steps inside the house to the clinking and tinkling sound that are loud and clear from the kitchen by the patio door she has entered. It is Haseena who is cooking something that smells so great that Karishma would definitely want a bite or two.

"Good morning, Karishma." Haseena, in the apron, turns around from the stove where all the aroma is created and made its way to take over the entire area. With a wooden spatula in her hand, she smiles like this is normal; like this has happened a hundred of times.

"Good morning, Haseena." Karishma greets back with her eyes narrowed and confused. It is no longer strange for Karishma to call her Haseena but it is strange for Haseena to call her Karishma as the first thing of the day. Haseena mostly refers her by her rank as the starter. She only calls her by her name when she either gets annoyed or wants something. "What do you want?"

"What do you mean?" Haseena asks as she turns back to the stove and pours the perfectly fried eggs into a dish that is already filled with toasts, grilled chicken and some greens. It is a big breakfast while another dish is a total opposite. "I'm cooking breakfast."

"I can see that." Karishma watches Haseena walk towards the dining table with two dishes of different breakfast. She lays the light one down at the head of the table and the heavy one next to it before waving Karishma to sit at the heavy one. "Why"

"Take a seat. I'll grab some coffee."

Karishma does what she was told but although she settles on the chair, her confusion doesn't seem to do the same. "What is happening?"

"What?" Haseena places two cups of warm coffee by the dishes and finally notices that Karishma doesn't have the spy cam on her. She still keeps up with the number of buttons she wears and she hasn't been wrong. "We are having breakfast."

"Okay, I guess." Karishma raises her eyebrows and shrugs lightly before taking a sip of the black coffee. They have never done something like this and although it is quite out of ordinary, she doesn't want to complain a meal that looks too wonderful with a girl that appears too magical. She doesn't mind this at all. She doesn't mind this now and she doesn't mind it ever. "Why is mine a lot more than yours? Do you want some more?"

"You're a cop. I figure you need more energy and protein." Haseena moves a small jar with a yellow lid closer to Karishma who already has the cutlery in her hand and is ready to dig in. It has been a while since Karishma has breakfast with someone other than Brian or Brian's family. This is quite exciting for her and it starts to obviously appear on her face. "Do you want to put this on your toast?"

"You want to make me feel better." Karishma opens the jar and spreads the dark brown spread all over her medium-burnt toast.

She doesn't really look at the girl next to her. She is too afraid that when she looks, she will see that same pity eyes she had always seen when people knew how her parents died. It is the kind of sight she hates the most and she doesn't want to see it from the person she will have a very hard time hating. "That's why you're doing this. To make me feel better? To feel sorry for me?"

"I'm doing this because I want to have a meal with you." Haseena pulls the spread jar away from Karishma when she starts to see that Karishma keeps putting more and more spread on her toast without really realizing it. "Karishma."

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