53: As a Friend

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A/N: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to THE MANAGER! After what I'm calling my summer break, I've returned with a slightly new way of doing things.

My life is getting quite busy, and I won't be able to promise a consistent upload schedule, anymore. I'm aiming for posting to my account at least once a month. This month, I can guarantee you two updates to THE MANAGER. I'll be announcing updates on the "Conversations" section of my account. Unless I post impulsively, expect chapters to come on Sundays at 9PM, EST. Yes, I did it to match HBO's primetime. It felt appropriate.

Without further ado, please enjoy this new chapter!

Now that Nayeon and I had confirmed it was okay to tell a select group of people we were getting back together, I had to spill. The first person I called was my brother. Irregardless of how I thought he would react, he deserved to know first. I didn't anticipate him to answer my voice call and pan the phone over to our mother.

"Hey, Y/N!" he said.

"Oh, uh, hi," I said. "What are you—"

"Jun's visiting!" said my mother. "Didn't he tell you?"

"No, I forgot," said Jun. He leaned over to put himself in the frame. "What's up?"

"Isn't it late over there?" I asked.

"We're just having a nightcap," said my mother, holding up a generous glass of whiskey.

"What's up, Y/N?" Jun asked. "Did you want to talk?"

"It's not a big deal," I said nervously. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell my mom, yet.

"Go ahead!" she said, doubling down.

"I don't know—"

"Yeah, it's fine, Y/N," said Jun.


I sighed. I was trying to build bridges with my mother, right? She was bound to find out, anyway. I suppose it wasn't so bad to tell her, now.

"Yeah, okay. It's about—wait, hold on." I closed the door to my office and sat down on the couch. "It's about me and N—"

"You and Nayeon are getting back together!" my mother said, standing up out of her chair. "Oh my god, really?"

The Manager: A TWICE StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt