"So how close are you to your family?" He looked up at me.

"I am pretty close with some of them. I mean, you have met Hermes already. I am close with one of my uncles, but other then them, I woudn't say that I am close." I explained to him. He looked like he understood what I was saying.

"Hermes is an interesting fellow. He doesn't look like your cousin, other than your height, I wouldn't think that the two of you were cousins." Jay said. I saw a shadow person in the corner of my eye. I sighed.

"What is wrong? Is there something wrong with the food?" Jay asked. He sounded really worried.

"Oh, nothing is wrong with the food, or you, or really anything. I will be right back, please wait for me."I told him as I got up from the table. I brought my purse with me. Hermes had written a note that told me that he had messed with all of my bags so that they were like his. I put the jar in it so that I would have it insituations like this.

I thought of the shadow person being caught in tar. Before I knew it, I saw that he had followed me. I grabbed him and placed him in the jar. 

"I really don't like that you are doing this to me." I told him before I placed him in it. I set the jar back in my bag and went back to Jay.

"Are you okay? Would you like dessert?" He said as he pulled my chair out so that I could sit back in it.

"I actually was thinking that we could go to a little place that I found with my cousin, if that is okay with you." I suggested to him. I saw his eyes light up.

"That would be amazing. Let me go pay the bill." He said as he walked away. I followed him. I didn't see why not. He stood there and paid the bill. We walked about a block or so to a little pastry place. We shared a piece of triple chocolate heaven. I thought that the name was funny, but it tasted amazing. We ended up staying the the little shop for about two hours. All that we did was talk. I found out that he hasn't always wanted to be a muscian. He still gets stage fright.

We left the shop and walked to my apartment. On our way, we found a small park. We decided to walk around the  park. It was a beautiful night. I didn't want him to leave me. As we walked around, I saw Aphrodite in the park. She was sitting by the fountian.

"Casey! what a surprise to see you here!" She said. I groaned internally. All humans fell for her beauty.

"Aphrodite, what are you doing here in England?" I asked her. I felt Jay's arm come around my waist. I nearly lost it. I really can't have him touching me.

"I was here because I am where ever there is beauty, like tonight, stupid! I see that you have found your other half." She blurted out. Hey, she is the goddess of beauty, not brains. I gave her a look to shut up. She, luckily, knew what my look meant.

"What? What do you do?" Jay asked. This is going to end badly.

"I design gardens and other stuff. I was just getting some inspiration from this park." I was surprised by her answer.

"Okay, well it was good to see you! I will see you later." I told her as we hugged. I walked with Jay away from her. That was too close.

"Who was that?" He said.

"Her? Oh she married my cousin." I told him. It is surprising how natural that felt to say.

"What do you think of her?" I ask him. I knew that he would think that she was beautiful.

"She is pretty, but not my type." I was shocked by his answer.

"What is your type, Mr. Mcguiness?" I say as we stop. He pulls a rose off of the rose bush behind him and hands it to me.

"My type is a woman that is smart. No offense, but she doesn't seem too smart." He tells me. I couldn't help but smile. He pulled me close to his body. I had to focus on keeping my power down. It would be so embarrassing for me to turn there.He then kissed me. That was it. I put my arms around his neck to deepen it. He held me by my lower back.

For some reason, I didn't turn. I stayed the same. I would have to ask some one why that had happened later.

"Wow." was all that he said as he pulled away. I looked into his eyes and I could tell that he meant it.

"I know." I replied. He just smiled and kissed my forehead. We then walked to my apartment. He geld my hand the entire way there.

"I had a wonderful night. Thanks." I told him. He smiled.

"For some reason, I don't want to leave you." He confessed. I shook my head. It was like he took the words right out of my mouth.

"I hope that we will see each other soon." I tell him. He then pushes me up against the door and kissed me passionately. He moved to my neck and sucked on it.

"Jay, we can't, not yet." I told him. He stopped.

"I am so sorry. You are right." He said. I just smiled.

"Will you spend tomorrow with me and the guys?" He asked. That is pretty weird.

"Um, what would we do tomorrow?" I don't think that they like me anyway.

"Wait, maybe I should ask you this one first: would you be my girlfriend? I know that this is really early in our relationship, but I feel like this could work out." He explained. I wanted to shout and throw a little dance party right there.

"I feel the same way too. So yes, I will be your girlfriend." His face lit up when I said this.

"Great, now back to my original question." I pulled him into a kiss.

"I would love to." I told him as I broke the kiss.

"I will pick you up tomorrow at 9. Is that okay?" He was so cute.

"That is perfect." I tell him. I then enter my apartment, took my shoes off, and danced around the apartment. I then went into my room and got into my bed. I didn't even bother to change. Because I didn't want this night to ever end. It was too perfect. I was terrified that this was a sick joke that Hypnos has pulled on me. I think that I would have every right in the world to kill him. 

Shadows (A Jay McGuiness story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant