[Chapter 1] Every once in a while...

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It was a bad day for her.

She was still thinking about the day the Dark Matter Thieves invaded and their leader Boros was defeated, Tatsumaki had been annoyed by the prescence of a mere C-Class roaming the scene, befriending S-Class Heroes like that cyborg Genos, obviously looking to get a quick promotion or simply change his status... She was called in for a S-Class meeting regarding some changes about three days since the attack in A-City, apparently Metal Knight would be rebuilding it in a few days... Some other things too like some promotions she didn't really care about, as usual, she was the first to leave and the first to notice how useless that whole meeting was...
It had become apparent how the Hero Association became more aware of threats and the need for S-Class Heroes now more than ever, therefore, they had been a huge pain in the ass since the incident.

As she was leaving she noticed an unfamiliar face in the huge halls of the building, annoyed by yet another low life trying to make his way into higher ranks, she stopped him in the spot, screaming.

-"Hey, kid! -She adopted a more assertive stance, putting her hands on her hips and tilting them a little to the left-"There's no room for you here, you low ranks belong cleaning the little pathetic excuse for monsters in the good neighbourhoods of the districts, not roaming the halls along S-Class heroes, now get out before I make you, brat."- She concluded with a little scoff.

The boy she was referring to seemed kind of amused by this little rant, in his eyes formed a tiny flash of superiority which annoyed Tatsumaki even further.

Altough she had adressed him as a "kid" for effect, she wasn't really wrong, he must have been no older than 14 or 15, he had long curly black hair and a cap on, in his face were some clear bruises and band-aids, he was taller than her, almost 20 cms more, wearing an oversized shirt with some cargo pants on and some beat up shoes. Even under the clothes, she could still tell this guy had an athletic body.

-"Excuse me, are you lost or something kid? I can show you the way out if you want.."- He said with an obvious sarcastic tone, but there was more to it, it seemed as if he was actually concerned for her for a moment, believing she was truly lost.

Tatsumaki couldn't even hide her anger/confusion, her mouth was wide open and she was frowning all she could. Before she could think of something to humilliate him, he began turning away while through his mouth, quietly escaped the words "Ok.." as he was walking away. Even more infuriated this time, she levitated herself, stopping in front of him and crossing her arms looking up to him.

-"I'll have you know, I'm Tatsumaki, the Tornado of Terror, S-Class hero Number 2, and if you for a second believe you're better than me again, I'll bury you into this wall and leave you here to have a laugh everytime I pass by"- As she screamed all these words, she examined his face a little further, noticing he was in fact, quite handsome, but this didn't debilitate her argument.

-"Listen, I have no idea if you're famous or something, it's really none of my business. But do you happen to know where some higher up is? I need to introduce myself to them to let them know I'm here or something, I was promotioned to the S-Class recently, found out trough one of those drones they send, kinda impersonal if you ask me. But anyways, where can I find them?"

<<"I guess having him introduce himself to me would be pretty assertive, but the bosses need to know of the new guy. My god, they let anyone in these days...">> She thought while not changing her expression or stance.

-"Well, I suposse a congratulation is in order, being promoted to S-Class is no easy feat. -She said while reluctantly hiding the fact that he shouldn't be there, what had this guy done anyway? Was the association really so desesperate for new heroes?-"I have already introduced myself, no need to do it again for you.."- She concluded while adapting a more relaxed stance and softer tone.

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