[Chapter 2] Beyond words

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A few months went by before they would actually go "hang out"...

Altough those months weren't wasted, relationship-wise. Miros made himself comfy at S-Class, befriending many of his coworkers, even going on patrol with them at times. Between him and Tatsumaki, there were many training sessions in which she witnessed him gain more and more control over his powers, but never once did she talk about it on her own... It seemed as if she was skeptical towards a relationship outside of work.

Still, on a good day, they would connect a lot, mostly joking around, letting each other be guided by their own ways of sociability. Even so, Miros seemed to notice how comfy she was when she was by his side, eventually he did bring it up after a training day.

That canyon had become their own little place, no one was ever there except the two of them, pushing each other to the limit, and almost everytime, they'd finish around sunset.

Tatsumaki had noticed the significant reduction of the bruises and band-aids on his face, not even during training would they show when battling against her, she considered this a feat of its own. Altough, even if his face had become cleaner, the scars on his arms and legs had never been clearer than at those moments, those would remain there for a long time.

-"You know, you did pinky promise me.."- Miros seemed to draw her memory back to that moment.

-"It was stupid, I don't care for whatever a pinky promise represents."- A little shiver went trough her chest when remembering that moment.

-"A pinky promise is still very much a real promise you know..."- Altough he was obviously joking, he seemed to have taken up a melancholic tone while reciting those words, which made her do a double take.

She pondered for a while in the silence created after Miros spoke, maybe going out wasn't that bad, after all, she had grown fond of the little brat.

-"Okay, tomorrow, at around noon, come meet me by the park near the HQ, the route is your choice, if you bore me or show up late I'll turn you to powder in a moment."- Tatsumaki had taken that stance, crossing her arms and tilting her hips to the left again. Miros had begun to find this gesture really cute, mostly because of how often she did it.

-"It's a date!"- Miros said with a subtle, mocking undertone, Tatsumaki understood exactly where he was going. More often than not, he liked to provoke her a lot, what came as a surprise to her at the moment, was the clarity of how much she allowed it to happen.

-"D-Don't call it that!"- She said while pointing to him with her right hand, while her left hand remained tightly clenched beside her thigh. -"Don't make me regret accepting it just a few seconds after, weakling..."- Concluded while adopting a softer tone and glare.

Miros read this last piece of gesture as if she actually wanted to go, but not at the price of embarassment.

-"Sure thing wind girl, let's go back, I wanna take a shower, gotta look sharp tomorrow, right?"-He said at the time that he got up and started cleaning himself from the dust and dirt usually found in his clothes after training.

She scoffed before beggining to talk again.

-"So long as your attire isn't a complete embarassment to me, I suposse anything will do."- She said while looking away at the setting sun.

-"It's pretty isn't it.."- Said Miros while looking at the sun too.

-"The what?"

-"The sunset, I must have seen it a thousand times but it never gets old, it's these little moment that make up for just about anything we go trough right? Almost as if a divine creature was rewarding us for trying our best to protect those who can't protect themselves..."- He said with a distant tone, almost as if he had been hypnotized by the beauty of his surroundings.

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