The short hair cut, the length of hair to the shoulder and spreaded bangs on the forehead with the mid high heeled shoes.

Lee again got shocked seeing them with the third same face and Veronica fainted after seeing them, Taehyung’s father also got shocked seeing three of the same faces.

Flashback to the room where Y/n was locked::

The moment when Taehyung and Veronica left the hotel, Y/N (original) was following them since then to reach the spot where Veronica is taking Taehyung to. They reach the spot and Y/N (original) succeeds in this step without getting caught.

She was out of the main room where Veronica pulled Taehyung. She waited for them to go in, then she pulled out the gun from the box in the car under bonnet and get off the car and went to the back of the car and opened the trunk, she pulled out a mini bag which is needed as it has clothes and needed things in it for the Y/n locked in the room.

She left the car as it was and moved in securely. She was behind some gate while entering the area. She saw some people like 3-4 people guarding a specific area, she predicted that Y/n must be there.

So she ran to them as they were not so far and hammered the gun’s lower side on one of the guards, she executed securely. The person who got hammered by the gunn got unconscious due to being hitted on the sensitive spot.

One of those remaining came to attack her from the backside but she turned around and stopped him from attacking by holding him from his neck to block his breath to make him unconscious, while she was handling this one the other one came from behind and attacked her.

She felt that and flipped herself and clutching his neck by her both legs, she is now all hung in the air while balancing herself on those two bloodies and then moved her hands in a way she can throw the man which is under her hands on the floor.

She threw him and got disbalanced because of lost support. She fell immediately towards the floor due to gravity, but she somehow managed herself to be flipped up on the man in who’s neck her legs are twisted and clutched.

She balanced herself up on him and moved her left hand towards his chin and the right hand on to his head. She held his face from up and down and turned it forcefully which caused his neck to be cracked.

The guard was disbalanced after she cracked his neck so she just held his collar from the back side and pushed him down forward so that she could land on the earth’s surface safely.

She landed safely and stood up straight, picked up her gun from the ground and put it in her jeans back and picked the bag up and ran into the room by taking keys from that last guard who was already scared of her.

So he just helped Y/N (org) to release the y/n locked in the room. She threw the clothes bag to the locked girl and asked her to change fast.

While she was changing clothes Y/n (org) walked to the guard and settled her gun with both of her hands and hit the gun’s lower side to his neck’s sensitive spot that caused him to be unconscious.

“Are you Injured, did he hitted you?” Y/n asked the girl locked up. “No, I am not, he just had tied me up since the day he had kidnapped you” she said while smiling and laughed by recalling the moments when he kidnapped her and got fooled for many days.

“Thank you so much for helping us, you are such a great person that you had risked your life to death for me” Y/n said to that girl showing her the gratefulness she felt and had from her.
“And thank god that he did not hitted you or else I will show him the face of death at the moment” y/n continued.

“It's alright sister in law, I am all okay, don’t mention it, it is my duty I guess, or if not then just take it as I just came from an adventure.” the girl said to Y/n.

“He was not ready to send me here, but I insisted on him a lot and requested too, then he said yes to me to execute the plan” that girl continued.

They talked this much while on the way to the main room, they saw that Taehyung is here but Taehyung’s dad is also here, they were standing to have a fight the next moment.

As soon as people saw us, that bitch Veronica fainted to see the twins together, the girl and Y/n contacted each other and signaled each other to just attack on the boys standing there.

They both jumped at the either sides and attacked those boys seeing that the boys who were standing beside Taehyung also ran to attack them and they also got the same failure.

Lee fisted Taehyung’s vest while Taehyung did his tongue roll in annoyance. how can he fist my collar, he just lifted his hand up and pushed the bloody Lee to get off his grip.

Lee attacked him after that and with his folded fist on his face directly, but thankfully Taehyung’s hand resisted Lee’s hand to hit his face.  “Oh oh… no nope… it is the priceless thing I have…” Taehyung’s punch line warmed Lee’s head more.

Before Lee attacked again, Taehyung pushed him a little and by the means of chair he jumped in the air and turned around and punched the bloody face to get more bloody and he fainted there.

“This is the only priceless thing I have to Impress my girl, don’t you dare to touch it” he muttered to let Lee know the whole thing after resting his feet on the floor.

There Girls had also just left the shattered pieces of those boys and gave a good success glare to each other.

They all went to Taehyung’s father and released him from the ties, he stood up and hugged his daughter in law first of all and said, “I am proud of you my daughter in law” and then hugged Taehyung and the third duplicate of Y/N.

As soon as he said this Taehyung said, “she is not yet” while smiling, and walked into his dad's embrace and Y/n got shy seeing him smile like he had never smiled like this before.

As Y/n was in a hug her hands held father's back and that was feeling so wet, soon she detached herself from him and saw that  her hands got red because of blood she asked, "uncle?Why is this? Can you please stay still, I want to check" she went behind father and saw the scratches on his back.

Seeing y/n like this Taehyung also checked his hand and it was also blooded, "Dad? What happened? Why is thi..?" Taehyung asked what happened here that his back is all scratched.

He didn't reply to anything and just shushed them all, when they finally did not get the answer, they just shut their mouths and didn't ask anything further.

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