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“W..what are you doing? Let me go” she said while trying to remove both of his hands from each of her sides. “I am not doing anything, don’t worry,” he replied. “By the way, I had to tell you something, but before that let me give you my room tour, okay? C’mon” he replaced himself with an empty space to give her a way to walk forward.

“I am feeling sleepy, will you please excuse me” she said coldly and sat on the bed while hanging her legs down from the bed. “Excuse me, this is my bed, why do you sit there?” he said teasingly yet arguing with her. “So? So what if it's your bed? I will sleep here only” she replied coldly, yet arguing with him.

“So… you want to sleep beside me, don't you?” he said and the left corner of his lips curved up. While his left hand slides already in his pocket and the other hand rubs himself nape.  “Not at all, don’t you dream too much? You will sleep on that sofa, are you able to see that, right beside the window, I have given you the option, now it's your choice if you want to sleep there or want to sleep on that chair.” she said while taking her legs up on the bed and the knees hugging her chest. 

Listening to this he didn’t choke at all as he already knew that this would happen. He walked towards the bed where she was sitting, the left side of the bed, he walked closer and closer, he leaned towards her and moved his hand from behind. She was thinking that he would touch her and was contacting her eyes straight to him. 

He slowly pulled the pillow on the other side of the bed for a little comfort on that couch. He grabbed the pillow while still leaning towards her and wink at her and blew a kiss in the air while still looking at her.

Then moved to the couch and placed the pillow on the couch on one side. He already has pillows on the couch but the tease in himself is such a tease he knew it very well. He walked to his wardrobe and took some comfy clothes of himself and one another pair of his own comfy clothes. 

He stripped his upper clothes off while she was still sitting on the bed and the wardrobe is just in front of the bed, her gaze is not splitting from him, “you can blink, there is no restriction on blinking your eyes here” he hung his suit on the hanger and put the hanger out of the wardrobe beside it. He took his clothes and walked towards the bathroom while he was holding the other pair of clothes too. 

He forwarded his hand to give the clothes to her and asked her to change her heavy clothes, she didn’t forwarded her hand to take over the clothes from his hand, so he put the clothes on the bed beside her and went to the bathroom. 

He came back with his clothes on, and a small towel hanging on his nape to dry his hair with that. His body is all wet but with clothes on, he checked up on the bed, you were laid down already on the bed without changing clothes. 

He walked towards the couch and saw you were not asleep yet, so he again told you to change your clothes and he sat on the couch while rubbing his hand on his hair with the towel in between both. 

“That guy… of whom you broke the car’s glass, is my cousin” he spoke while rubbing his hair to dry them. Listening to this you sat back at your place and looked at him in shock as he punched him hard that day. 

“Then.. then why had you punched him so hard that day?” you asked him with both hands on each side resting on the bed and you sitting impatiently. “Because I don’t like the thing he had done to you” he said while clearing her. “He is my cousin just by name, I don’t like him at all, and I don’t like him even more when he approaches you” he continued. 

“Oh c’mon, he didn’t approach me” you said while clearing the things, that he hadn’t approached you. “That day.. That day he came to take you away from me… he is the bloody moron… he always approaches the things or people who belong to me” he said while explaining everything to her.

“You had seen that bloody face right? Aren’t you able to understand what he is thinking?” he asked you while looking down on the floor. “Actually let me tell you the whole thing” he further continued before you could say anything.

“The day when my family came to your house to discuss our wedding, from that day he was trying multiple things to snatch you away from me, as…” 

“As…what?” you asked as he stopped in between. “As he thought that he will be going to marry you, because his father had a deal with your uncle related to business and he already had planned everything to be with you” he continued. 

“But then the twist came in to the story, that before the business deal will be signed by your uncle, the shares of the your uncle’s company started to fall and at that time, my uncle(lee’s father) had decided to cancel the deal with your uncle” 

“And that decrement in the shares of your uncle’s company is because of Lee, as he had thought of being a good man after falling your uncle’s company’s shares in the market and then he(lee) will help him(your uncle) to get the shares up to high again and will marry you by being a good man in front of him” 

“But his all plans got failed because of me as I got to know that he is doing all this with my uncle’s dealer, so I exposed him in front of my father first, than my father talked to my uncle and they both(Mr.lee and Taehyung’s father) planned to expose lee to your uncle.”

“And because of this your uncle was very impressed by me, so he asked my dad for me to be married with you, and you knew the rest” he completed the all long story of lee and his bad intentions. He looked up at you and saw that you were listening to him carefully without disturbing him. 

“Okay, it's all over now, let me tell you one more thing”  he said while letting her go off from that topic. “What? Now what is that?” you asked with nothing expressing on your face. “Please be happy every time, I don’t mind if you don’t let me touch you, this is also your house, you are the queen here and of me the king of this house, please don’t get disturbed by anything, and if you feel bored in the house than you can freely come to the office even you can work too, if you want, but please stay happy, I cannot see you with long face, please, if you say, I can beg..” he was cutted by her and she said, “it’s very late at night, go sleep” she stood up from the bed and took that clothes beside her, after she confirmed that he turned his face against her. 

And took a hot shower of relaxation, and felt relax after that, she came out after a bath wearing his clothes she laid down on the bed again, she saw that he is not having blanket on himself, she took an extra blanket placed at the corner of the bed and stood up from the bed to let him have the blanket. 

She just covered him with the blanket and went to the bed again and slept without turning her back to him, he was still not facing her. 


Twisting on the couch feeling covered ownself, he woke up with a blurry and watery orbs, he turned to his left and is now facing the bed, Y/n was sleeping there peacefully while her face was facing him, he was admiring her from a little far and was seeing that her hair flicks are disturbing her. 

“How beautifully god has created her” sigh of peace let out from him after saying this. He flipped the blanket from himself and stood up to go to her and set those disturbing flicks. But he couldn’t do that as she had put a paper on the table right beside the bed with a paper weight. 

He saw it as he thought that it was for him, he picked it up with lots of hope of getting something good in it. He opened it and his eyes got wide opened, 

He didn’t read further, just read the Title CONTRACT PAPER and stepped back from setting her hair, and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. 

As soon as he disappeared from the room she opened her eyes and saw that he had seen the paper she put on the table and smiled because she knew that he saw the paper and didn’t touch her.

FORCED MARRIAGE| by hobiqvnWhere stories live. Discover now