"Oh no, they think of us as Team Rocket..." Reisa says.

"We have to stop them." I say as I use Hyper Beam on them, much to their surprise since they don't think that humans are capable of battling.

"Now it is our chance!" We all run away from the Ursaring, not wanting to know what is going on with them.

Night approaches and we find a cave to rest, but when we are going to sleep, we hear a roar and we wake up suddenly. "Did you hear that?" Lillie asks in fear.

"Yeah...don't tell me that we accidentally got into the cave of an Ursaring..." Ethan says.

I hear the roar again, but when it gets clear, I notice that the roar is a painful roar. "Wait, it feels like he is in pain."

Then we walks deeper into a cave, and we see an Uraring in pain lying on the floor. I look at the Ursaring and say, "He needs some help."

Then the Ursaring sees us, he wants to get up but fails. I say, "We are not enemies, we want to heal you."

Then Reisa takes out some potions and berries to let me perform healing on him. Ursaring is healed and the pain is gone, I say, "Now you just need a good night's rest."

Ursaring is confused, he doesn't know why we are helping him, but he begins to realize how different we are, he just closes his eyes and nod.

The next day, Team Rocket tries to sneak attack again and this time Pikachu and Togetic's scream wake them up.

"Not you guys again..." Reisa says in frustration.

The Rockets are going to leave, but then the Ursaring I helped comes and uses Hyper Beam to free the two Pokemon, much to Team Rocket's horror. Then he defeats them with a Hammer Arm that sends them flying.

"Thank you for your help, Ursaring." Lillie says to the Pokemon, who just smirks. Then he decided to join us.

Teddiursa: The Little Bear Pokemon: Normal Type. It always licks honey. Its palm tastes sweet because of all the honey it has absorbed.

Ursaring: The Hibernator Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolved from Teddiursa at LV:30. Although it has a large body, it is quite skilled at climbing trees. It eats and sleeps in the treetops.

Then, we are ambushed by some Skarmory, and after chasing them away, East and I capture one each.

Skarmory: The Armor Bird Pokemon: Steel and Flying Type. The feathers that it sheds are very sharp. It is said that people once used the feathers as swords.

While camping out for the night, Reisa notices a light coming out of my backpack.

"Ash, the egg is hatching!" Reisa yells as we watch, I say, "I wonder what kind of Pokemon is inside the egg."

"Yeah, maybe it will be as cute as Togetic." Lillie says as Togetic flies around her.

Then in the morning, the egg is hatched, and a Phany is the one coming out from the egg. "All right! It's finally here!"

Phanpy: The Long Nose Pokemon: Ground Type. During the deserted morning hours, it comes ashore where it deftly uses its trunk to take a shower.

"It's so cute. Look at those ears, it's adorable!" Lillie says.

"It is also really healthy as well." I say. "Now we have to use the Pokeball that Mr. Shellby gives us."

Lillie tries to return Phanpy, who jumps out of the way. Lillie tries again, but Phanpy continues to dodge the beam.

"What is going on with Phanpy? Why won't it get into the ball?"

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