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The outside blockbuster was filled with activity. An ambulance, squad cars and cops are everywhere.
Billy and Stu smashed against the hood of the police car. Their hands are cuffed, their rights have been read.
"We didn't do anything! Sophie...where's Sophie. Ask her, she'll tell you..." Billy shouted.
"Baby know us...." stu begged.
Dewey holds the car door open as Sheriff Burke steps out.
"We got them, sheriff. Billy Loomis and Stuart Macher." Dewey informs the sheriff.
"Hank Loomis, kid? Aw...Jesus..."
"Stuart is Sophie's boyfriend."
"And Billy?" The sheriff asks.
"Sidney Prescott boyfriend." Dewey explained with a little jealousy.
They approach the pair as they are been placed in the back of the police car.
"Sheriff we didn't do out parents please..." stu begs.
The police car disappeared with Stu and Billy in the back. They watched the car turn the first corney.
Dewey turns to the sheriff. "I was first to respond."
"What were you doing out here?"
"Drive by patrol."
They both turn to look at Sophie. She's sitting back in the ambulance getting her cuts cleaned.
The sheriff sighs. "How is she?"
"She's tough."
"Have to be. The shit the poor kid is going through."
They make their way towards Sophie.
"We've seen you a lot today." Sheriff burke says.
Sophie tries to smile but fails.
The sheriff continues. "You're gonna be able to come down to the station and talk to us a bit."
Sophie looks up at the Sheriff. "Yeah...they didn't do it." She tells them.

Sophie sits alone behind a desk drinking a cup of water. Sheriff burke made a call to the Riley house, but Sidney made up an excuse not to come. She sat there alone, feeling lost. She wearing the Sheriffs jacket over her shoulders. Dewey approaches.
"Did you reach anyone?"
"You sure it was the Hilton?"
Sophie nods her head. "The airport."
"He's not registered. Could he have gone anywhere else?"
"I...I don't know. I guess."

Billy and Stu sit opposite Sheriff Burke. Sitting in the middle of both teens is Billy's father.
Sheriff Burke gets to the point. "What were you doing with a cellular phone, son."
"It was my phone. I gave it to Billy to phone Sophie when he was on his way." Mr. Loomis tells him.
"You two got some ideas of scaring people, huh."
Stu looks at the sheriff in the eye. "We called Sophie. Billy called her while I was in the shop...after the call he came into the shop and got her some cigarettes. We was on output way to pick her up when the attack happened."
"Check the shops and Blockbuster camera footage. And while your at it check the phone bill for chrissakes."
Sheriff stares at Billy's father. "Thankyou, Hank. We're on it. What were you two doing outside blockbuster?"
Billy spoke up. "Picking Sophie up. She was staying at our house tonight. Sidneys at Tatum's. We didn't want her to be left alone. She's going through shit, if you haven't noticed."
"Yes, I've noticed. I've got reports to what she's been going through way before her mother was murdered...why was she staying at your house..."
"Why not. Stu was staying over."
"And you thought...what...she jump straight into your pants..."
Billy looked horrorfied what the sheriff suggested. He also felt a little sick. "You sick fuck...she is more like..."
"She's my daughter..."
Billy and Stu looked at him in shock. Sheriff Burke slowly sat down in his chair.
Hank looked at all three of them. "I don't want her finding out just yet...not now."
"Is that why you and mum split?"
"Your mother didn't split because of Sophie, you're mother adored the girl. We split because I continued seeing Mrs. Prescott behind your mother's back. She was blackmailing me. She threatened to take Sophie away...Sheriff you can't tell anyone please...I want to keep my kids safe." Hank begged.

The door opens and Sophie walks into the house. She flicks the hallway light on and slowly makes her way up the stairs. Avoiding her mother's closed bedroom door, she goes into hers and into the bathroom. She flicks the light on and walks over to the sink staring down.
Her bottom lip wobbles as she picks up a white stick. Two white lines are staring back at her. Sophie's knees buckle and she collapsed on the floor. She curls into a ball, sobbing as she holds the pregnancy test in hand.

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