The Prescott house

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"Can you turn that down

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"Can you turn that down. It's late." Sidney shouted as she banged on her sisters bedroom door for the second time in three minutes. Sophie rolled her eyes and turned her music down while cursing at her sister silently.
"I can still hear it. Turn it down." Sidney whined childishly.
"It's on the last bar, dimwit." Sophie shouted back.
"Bitch." Sidney mumbled.
"Bitch." Sophie mocked in a Sidney tone of voice.
She heard Sidney moan in frustration as she heard footsteps heading downstairs. She was probably going to tell their dad. She laughed and walked back to her desk.
Sophie Prescott started doing the last bit of her homework. She's a young girl of seventeen, with black hair and bright blue eyes. A young girl who isn't into girly shit and well into horror movies. She doesn't dress in bright cloths like her sister, her choice of cloths is black, black and black. The cure played in the background. Music relaxed her as she did her homework or had a stressful day.
Sophie eyes were glued to the computer monitor. Her blue eyes were sharp and cleaver and filled with excitement as letters moved on screen as she was close to finishing her horror script. She sat at her desk wearing one of her boyfriend's t-shirts that was to big on her. It was a cool night, she left her window open to let in the breeze. Her hands are working, typing feverishly when she heard scraping outside her window. She turned quickly, eyeing the open window across the room. Another scratching sound was heard. She grabs the closest object and moves forward.
Sophie sticks her head out of the window. The late night breeze hits her face as a shadow appears just to the left of her. A hand reaches out, grabs her and suddenly a figure is on top of her. Sophie screams and pounces on the figure. A knife in her hand as she presses it to the person's throat.
"Baby, if I knew you wanted to play you should of told look so sexy right now. I'm hard as a rock, Princess."
"Stu? What the fuck are you doing here? I could of killed you." She spat, her eyes darkened in anger.
Stu Machete, her boyfriend for a year. To her her was handsome and alluring with a little darkness in him which she liked. He had short brown hair and blue eyes. His eyes that she easily got lost in.
Stu pouted. "I'm sorry, Princess. Don't hate me. I missed you." He replied giving her the puppy eyes.
Sophie laughed and leaned forward giving him a quick kiss. "I don't hate you. The opposite actually. And you saw me three hours ago."
"That was ages ago. I can't wait till morning. How can I stay away when your wearing my cloths and a knife to my throat. A total turn on, baby...are you wearing anything under there."
Sophie raised her eyebrows.
Stu moaned. "Baby. Your killing me here." He bites his bottom lip and thrusts his hips up.
The friction on his jeans rub on Sophie's soaking wet core. Sophie bites her lip stopping a moan. Her grip of her knife loosens and Stu takes the opportunity to remove it from her hand. He puts the blade to her neck as he sits up. His lips hover over hers.
"You're so beautiful baby." He whispers, his lips meet hers.
Sophie grinds her hips. She can feel the rock hard bulge in his jeans. Her arms wrap around his neck and into his hair. She scratches her nails into his scalp and tugs on his hair.
"That's it baby. Fuck...." Stu moans.
Sophie moves faster as she can feel herself close to orgasm. She was panting hard and fast as Stu rocks his hips with hers.
The floorboard creeks outside her bedroom door. Sophie curses and gets of Stu quickly. She races across the room. Her bedroom door is slammed open but it's blocked by the closet door. Stu hides.
"What's going on in there?" A males voice says behind the door.
Sophie unjammed the door to see her father.
"Are you okay?" He asks his daughter worriedly.
"I heard screaming."
I saw a spider."
"Oh, that explains it..."
They both jump when they hear Sidney scream blue murder.
"Great. I was going to hit the sack, but I better check on your sister. My flight leaves in the morning. Now the expo runs all weekend so I won't be back till Sunday. There's cash in your money jar and I'll be staying at the Raleigh Hilton. Call me if you need me."
"And Stu, use the front door."
Stu comes out from under the bed. He looks at Mr. Prescott with confusion. "I thought you band me from coming here after yesterday's dinner with my folks."
"What dinner?" Sophie asks, shocked that her father was with Stu's parents. Stu never mentioned anything about her father coming over. Neither did her father say anything.
Mr Prescott frowned, "why would I ban you, son."
"Sid and Tatum said you changed your mind. You sent me an email this morning."
Sophie looked at the two of them in confusion. What the fuck was going on. Her father looked hurt and pissed off.
"I haven't changed my mind and I didn't send you an email. I have a talk with my daughter. Night you too."
Mr. Prescott said and kissed his daughter on the cheek. He winks at Stu and then leaves. Sophie shuts the bedroom door. She slowly faces her boyfriend who is doing some hyperactivity happy dance in the middle of her bedroom. She crosses her arms over her chest.
"What's going on." She asks.
Stu stops dancing. "Can't tell baby. Adults only." He says seriously.
Sophie raised her eyebrows. She slowly walks over to stu swaying her hips side to side. "You can't tell me, daddy." She whispers seductively in his ear. "Tell me, daddy." She starts to nibble on his ears.
Stu moans and pulls her closer. She bites harder and give his earlobe a tug. "Baby, I can't....fuck...."
"Are you two done..."
They both jump and move away from each other. Sitting outside Sophie bedroom window is Billy Loomis, her best friend and brother.
"Hi Billy." Sophie says casually as if nothing happened. She looks at her best friend and see he's a little hurt. His eyes look glossy and distant. "What did she do now." She asked, pulling Billy into her room. He sits on the bed as Stu covers her up in her dressing gown.
"Well, we were making out and she asked me if I could touch her. I asked her if it was okay and she said yes. But out of the blue she pushes me away. She told me to leave. She asked if I would settle for a PG13 relationship. Then she flashed me her tits."
"She pushed you away. Why." Stu asked.
"She was moaning, but she stopped herself from talking." He explained.
"Like she was about to say a name." Sophie asked.
Billy nodded.
"That bitch. Sidney and her vagina don't deserve you." Sophie tells him truthfully.
"But I love her Soph...."
Sophie eyes watered. She hated seeing Billy like this. "And she's hurting you. She's been fucking Steve for the past month behind yours and Casey's back. Tatum doesn't know when to keep her mouth shit when she's had one two many beers." Sophie spat.
"I know. But I can't help it. I've been in love with her since I was thirteen." Billy replied a little annoyed.
"And I hate seeing you hurt. We both do." Sophie says and Stu nodded beside her.
"How does Tatum know Sid slept with Steve?"stu asked.
Billy and Sophie raised their eyebrows.
Stu stares at them in shock. "No way. They both slept with Steve behind Casey's back."
"Together." Billy replied.
"As in threesome." Sophie told him.
Stu shuddered in discussed.
"On that note, I better get home. Dad's ground me." Billy tells them.
Sophie nods and gives Billy a hug. They watch Billy leave through the window and down the street.
"I can't wait eight hours. It's far too long." Stu whines.
Sophie rolls her eyes. "Stay then."
"I can't. Mom and dad leave at six and I want to see them off."
"Okay. I will see you at school."
Stu nodded and pulled Sophie to him. Their lips meet and he give her a gentle kiss. He pulls away. "Love you." He whispers.
"I love you too."
Stu climbs out of the window and runs down the street. She watches him and Billy get into the car and drive off. Sophie happily sighs. She moves away from the window and gets into bed. Unaware Sidney watching Billy and Stu leaving her room.

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