Your Numbers Up

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(The title of this chapter is one of my many songs I listen too. Ice Nine Kills - Your Numbers Up. Please check this band out, their songs are based on horror movies I'm sure you guys are familiar with.)

After Stu left, Sophie quickly got ready for work. She heard the phone ring and she quickly answered. As she chatted away, she opened the hallway closet and pulled out an overnight bag. She went up stairs and started packing her things.
"You sure I can stay over? won't be back till Sunday night." She asked.
"My dad said it's fine...he kinda was excited to have you sleep over. He kinda freaked me out. But I will pick you up at work."
Sophie frowned. "You're not walking?"
"No. He's letting me borrow his car...I have to swing by and pick Stu up first, he doesn't want to be alone in the house, their murders are freaking him out. He's worried about you."
Sophie smiled at what he said. "Tell your dad thank you."
"I will do. Are you okay." Billy asked worriedly.
"I'm okay. It's just the police and the reporters. It brings everything back." She tells him truthfully. "Does Sidney know I'm staying at yours?"
"Nope...don't say anything. She's out with Tatum tonight."
"I will be at the store at ten. I promise."
"Thanks Billy."
Sophie puts the phone down and switches on the television.

Reporter 1- The entire nation was shocked today by the teen murders in North Carolina...

Sophie switches channels.

Reporter 2- The state of the Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with the Local Authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most horrendous...

Sophie switches the channel again. She wishes Randy was already here to pick her up.
Gale Weather's face appears on the television screen, standing in front of Woodsboro High.

Gale- This is not the first time the small town of Woodsboro has endured such tragidy. Only a year ago, Maureen Prescott, wife and mother to two teenage girls was found raped and murdered. Her daughter, Sophie Prescott called the police as she discovered her mother's body....
A picture of Maureen appeared on screen.

Sophie switched the television off as soon as she heard a car beeping outside. She quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out if the house and locking the door. Randy opened the car door for her and Sophie climbed in. Randy drove straight to work.
"What took you so long?" Sophie asked.
"Had to wait for my t-shirt to dry. Sorry." Randy apologizes. "Did you and Stu talk."
Sophie nodded with a blush.
"Gross." She heard randy mutter.
"I was in a good mood when Stu left till I saw Gale fucking weather's on television."
"You okay."
Sophie shrugged her shoulders as Randy parked outside the blockbuster. Their eyes widened as they saw a line of people queuing outside the shop. From the inside the place was crowded.
"Well...we're going to have a busy night." Sophie told randy.
Randy braced himself. "You ready."
Sophie nodded her head. "Let's do this."

At half nine, the place had calmed down a little. There were still a good amount of teenagers in the shop, but nothing that made her worry. They had a massive breakthrough with horror movies, especially slasher films. She lost count how many times she went back and forth restocking the shelves for the ungrateful customers.

Sophie sat behind the counter, her eyes glued to the television and her lips moving along to the actors lines. She didn't notice a figure standing at the side of her, his dark blue eyes watching and studying her features. He had a small smile on his lips.
"I take it this is your favourite movie." He asked.
Sophie jumped, a scream left her mouth as she whipped her head facing him. Her hands hovered over her heart.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
Sophie tried to calm her breathing down. She didn't even hear him, even when he placed the movie on the counter.
"It's fine...sorry..." She gave a nervous chuckle. She was embarrassed. "...what did you say."
He smiled. "I asked if this is your favourite movie."
She nodded and her eyes moved back to the screen. "Psycho is one of my favourite films."
"'s my first horror film I've seen. I fell in love with Alfred Hitchcock and decided to become a writer."
It parked her interest. "Oh,what do you write?"
"Horror mostly."
"That's cool. I write every now and then. I write horror all the time."
"That's cool. Are you any good?"
"I've been told I am. My Drama teacher loves what I write. I wrote a horror script for my SA."
Sophie took the tape out of the case and noticed that it hasn't been rewinded. She pops it into a video player and rewinds the movie.
"You don't have to do that." He tells her.
"I have too. It's work policy."
He pays for the movie and bids her good evening. Sophie waved and sat back behind the counter.

A couple of teenagers rented movies and the last left the shop as it was close to closing time. Randy had already left, so it was her job to close the shop.
She popped the returns in their place just to pass the time. The phone rang and she answered as she stared out the window.
"Stu's just nipped into the store to grab some beers. Do you want anything." Billy asked.
"Can you get me a pack of cigarettes please."
"It's ten." She checked the clock.
"Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite till ten thirty."
"I'm not worried."
"Good. We won't be long, okay."
"Okay, bye."

Sophie hangs up the phone. It immediately rings again.
"Hello, Sophie." A voice comes through the speaker.
"Hello. Who is this?" She asked.
"You tell me."
Sophie thinks, trying to place the voice. It sounds a little distorted and creepy.
"I have no idea." She tells the person.
"Scary night, isn't it? With all the murders and all, it's like right out of a horror movie or something."
Sophie laughs. "Randy, you gave yourself away. Are you calling from home, because your mother is going to be pissed. Stu and Billy are on their way, imagine what I tell them..."
"Do you like scary movies, Sophie?"
"I don't like that thing you're doing with your voice, it's creepy."
"What's your favourite scary movie?"
"You know the answer, Randy."
Sophie walks around the room. She starts reading each movie, hoping Randy would soon hang up the phone.
"Are you alone at work?"
Sophie rolled her eyes. "That is so unoriginal. You disappoint me, Randy."
"Maybe that's because, I'm not randy."
Sophie pauses in her step.
"S-so who are you?"
"The question is not who I am? The question is where am I?"
"Where are you?" She laughs nervously.
"Outside the door."
Sophie gulps. She slowly lifts the blinds and sees no one outside. There's no sign of stu or Billy. She was getting scared. But she didn't show it.
"Oh, yeah? Well I call your bluff.'
She unlocks the shop door and steps outside. The carpark was empty. She sees a car down the road, stop at a red traffic light. She hopes it's Billy and Stu. She looks around more.
"Where are you?"
"Right here."
"Can you see me right now?" She asked.
She sticks her finger up her nose. Silence and there was no answer.
"What am I doing...hello...good try Randy. Bye now."
An arm wraps around her waist and pulls her inside the shop. Sophie screams and a hand quickly covers her mouth. Another figure stands in front of the door, locking it and pulling the blinds down. Sophie struggles in the figure grip, she leans her head forward and brings it back. She hears a sickening crack as the figure drops her to the floor.
The other figure rushes at her, ramming her into her side. She falls sideways and hits the side of her head. The figure straddles her, both of his legs are at the sides of her waist. They are dressed in a dark costume and a white mask with huge black eyes and a wide open mouth. Hands grip a fist full of her hair, lifling her head up and slamming her head back down. Her visions blurry, they talk, but they sound like they were underwater. The figure gets off her and lifts the bottom of his costume and unbelts his trousers. The other figure is trying to unbutton her jeans.
Adrenaline kicks in. With all the strength she has, she kicks the figure in the balls. He falls to the floor groaning in pain, holding his dick. The other figure rushes at her. Sophie kicks her feet and he lands on his front. She gets of the floor, and runs for the shop door. The figure rushes again.
"Shit!" She screams as a car pulls up outside.
Sophie turns in time and dodges the figure. He runs into the door face first. She runs around the shop as the second figure cries to catch her. She grabs the video tapes and throws them at the figure. She hits it in the face a couple of times. As she is close to the staff room, she pushes a heavy cart tilled with tapes.nshe knocks both figure over and locks the door.
Tears stream down her cheeks. Her vision was blurry. She stumbled to the phones and dialed the police.
"Help please. The killer is in the shop. I'm at blockbuster...."
She screams when she hears them banging on the door, then silence.
She jumps when she hears a loud smash from the other room. Footsteps are heading toward her. She backs away into the corner.
"Sophie!" Stu and Billy shout.
Sophie rushes to the door and unlocks it. Stu pulls her into his arms. She finally breaks down. She notices Billy is looking around the store.
"We heard screaming. The shop door was locked. Billy jumped through the door window to get to you. Are you okay." Stu asked.
"The killers are here. They tried to rape me..." She cried into Stu's chest.
She felt another person behind her and she was hugged from behind.
"It's okay. We're here..." Billy whispers.
Sophie hears something drop on the floor. She steps away and looks down. A black cell phone. She wasn't thinking straight, she ran as the police pulled up outside the shop.
"Baby..." Stu calls, trying to get her back into his arms.
"Sophie....wait...." Billy shouts.
She runs out and unlocks the door. She comes face to face with a ghost mask. Sophie screams. Dewey drops the mask and he screams. Sophie falls into his arms.

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