⚠️Fathoms Below History & Lore: MAJOR SPOILER WARNING

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Various sensitive subjects, praise and criticism of religion as a whole, a portrayal of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic God as a woman, pedophilia, implied dubious consent, suicide, abuse, accidental murder, dismemberment, etc.

This is a rough draft and it will undergo HEAVY editing.

A long, long time ago, in terms of the mythos of Fathoms Below, the gods were the first beings to come into existence, but instead of sharing control over what would later become the universe, the gods fought for total dominance and control over it, believing that their way was the only way, much like how certain religious people act today. This resulted in the Big Bang and explains why our universe is so flawed. When the gods saw what they made by fighting, they chose to work together instead in the hopes of creating something more beautiful and chose to rule over different domains of the universe and share the load, but they were still proud and rude beings who thought they were only ones in the right.

However, in the reality of Fathoms Below, we don't know what happened, just that the Big Bang seemingly exists, and so do the supernatural. As for the gods existing, we don't know. They haven't meddled since the Stone Age. Any mythological aspects written down were embellishments made by several authors over time.

In terms of the mythos of this story: a god who goes by many names, but who you might know as Eru if you are a Tolkien fan, mistakenly believed that one of her creations, Melkor, a distant cousin to the future devil known as Satan, corrupted her music, unaware that he was trying to give her a gift and only desired to fill the void with life and have the power of creation because he wished to create in her name as a thank you for creating him. After enduring years of mistreatment for it, Melkor was cast out for this misunderstanding, being forced to abandon his wife Nienna, and his 18-year-old son, Eönwë, in the process.

In real life, The Valar are descendants of the first existing Spellcasters and the betrayal was instigated by Manwë, who rejected an "inappropriate" gift Melkor made him (it was not inappropriate in reality), but further rubbed salt in the wound by marrying Varda while knowing Melkor had a crush on her, then poured a vat of lemon juice on the salted wound by trying to take Melkor's share of the throne as the king of the Valar and the power, prestige, and everything else that came with it for himself (something that was meant to be shared between them as they were twins).

Melkor would not stand this, knowing he was already willing to hoard what should be shared evenly between them for himself and fearing what else he would do, Melkor grew angry and caused a physical altercation that ended with Manwë pushing Melkor off a cliff.

Hurt, bitter, and angry, Melkor swore revenge. He was soon joined by others who had been treated similarly by the other Valar and by those who took his side when they heard his side of the story, the most infamous of them being Sauron. However, Melkor did not commit half the crimes he was believed to have committed as he could not bring himself to truly hurt his family and instead vowed to destroy everything they held dear, whether that be the earth itself or the living things who inhabited it.

During the beginnings of early civilization, there was a mermaid couple known as Sibusiso and Ayanda, they will be important later. There was also a couple that consisted of two lion beastmen, Mxolisi The First and Amina, but Mxolisi I and Amina were toxic and they ruled over the other beastmen with an iron fist like the tyrants they are, having risen to power after being left to die by the civilians who betrayed them for the sake of survival: they had two sons, and one was to be their heir and they named him Mxolisi The Second (mistranslated as Mufasa). He was their favorite son. The other...they didn't bother to name at first and just called him 'boy' or 'pile of trash that nobody wants' or 'waste of space' but this was because the younger son saw through them and didn't fall for their tricks, and prevented Mxolisi II from falling for their tricks too. They later begrudgingly named him Sizwe, who would later come to be known as Scar.

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