Part 2

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(Lily POV)

"WHAT A DAY!" Luffy exclaimed happily. "IT'S GORGEOUS!"

"As long as we can stay on this heading, we should reach the marine base in no time at all!" Koby determined cheerfully.

"Wow, Koby, you're great out here! You mean we're actually gonna reach the place we originally set out for?"

"Of course. It's nothing. I'm just using the skills that every sailor should have," he replied humbly.

"If I'm being honest, we're lucky to be sailing with you right now," I said, not looking up from polishing my bow. "My brother and I have no navigation skills to speak of. We can't even read a map. Which is how Luffy sailed us into a whirlpool in the first place."

"At least I'm able to read," Luffy taunted, sticking his tongue out childishly.


"OW! I bid mah tahngue!" he whined, hands over his head to prevent another goose egg from my bow.

"Good, maybe you'll learn to shut up," I snap bitterly at him before looking back at a sweatdropped Koby. "Do you know how long it'll take for us to arrive if the wind hold up?"

"Less than half an hour, I think. Land should be visible soon, too," he replied, prompting a delighted cheer from my brother. He got over his pain fast. "You know, there's really nothing to be so excited about. Because at the marine base, they're holding the great pirate hunter. Roronoa Zoro. This is the man who has diced up his bounties like an animal bent on carnage. A bloodthirsty beast. He's been called nothing less than a living, breathing demon in human form!"

"A demon, huh?" I mused, inspecting my longbow carefully. "Well, considering he's currently in marine custody, I wouldn't put too much faith in rumors."

"Well, it's better to overestimate an enemy than underestimate a monster!"

"Perhaps. My point still stands."

"LAND HO!" Luffy suddenly shouted. I looked up to see that there was indeed land growing larger on the horizon. Well that was fast.

For the next twenty minutes, Koby sailed us through mostly calm waters until we reached the port. Luffy didn't even wait until the boat was secured to jump on the pier. "We're here! The marine base city!"

"You don't even know what this town's called, do you?" I questioned, accepting Koby's polite offer to help me off the boat. Strangely enough, he resembled a bit of a tomato when he held my hand.

"It's actually called Shells Town," he said as he pointed at a nearby sign, his cheeks still somewhat red. "I know you're probably not gonna listen, but--HEY! Wait up!"

"Ugh, Luffy," I groaned, both of us having to jog to catch up to my impatient brother. He might think it's a good idea to just take a stroll through the market square, but we're pirates and this town is filled with marines!

"Luffy, seriously, you're out of your mind if you think the right thing to do is getting this guy to join you," Koby said as we caught up to him.

"Well, I haven't made up my mind yet. I gotta see if he's a good guy."

"He's imprisoned because he's obviously not!" Koby snapped. Luffy ignored him and walked up to a nearby merchant. "Hey, is that guy Zoro around here somewhere?"

Without warning, everyone around us seemed to duck for cover like my brother was a loaded cannon or something. These people seem to believe rumors more than even Koby does.

"Maybe we shouldn't mention the name Zoro, 'kay?" he whispered to Luffy.

"Considering how jumpy people around here are, that might be a good idea," I agreed.

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