Look around you, open your eyes and ears. Do you hear that sound. It's the sound of the cries of  your pack. "

If it wasn't for the fact that I was ...you know .. dying, I would be totally invested in their conversation because tell me why I felt as if there was more than what met the eye with these two

As if they had some old beef that they needed to settle or something

But why on earth was I involved in all of this

You know what , I should probably continue lying still. Maybe by doing so they would think that I have died and ignore me

But you know , we can't all have what we want

Their attention was drawn back to me

I could feel their eyes on me

I may or may not have missed a good part of their conversation

Once again you cannot blame me

I'm dying remember

"Bring the girl"

She spoke

Now which girl was she talking about because I was so damn sure that it was not me

One second, a minute passed and still there were no grubby hands on me

Meaning that the girl she spoke of wasn't me

Thank goodness..

Maybe the girl was his third mate or fourth based on the fact that this wolf probably had more

One could never tell


I knew the owner of that voice

It gave me nightmares at times


And she sounded miserable, tired and probably dehydrated judging on how her voice broke at the end

Now let me guess the situation.

Larissa probably fucked up and now it's all going to bite her in the ass

She's probably either going to be used as collateral damage or she shall be used to black mail Xerxes

Serves him right though and she too deserves whatever it is she has underwent

Calm me mean or petty but come on, what would have you done in my situation

"Now that everyone is here, I shall now reveal my plan"

"Oh for the love of God shut the hell up lady

I get it you probably want revenge or you want to fulfil some weird ass fantasy but can you like get it over with it already"

"I can kill you right now girl"

"I'm already dying so I don't think that would scare me"

"You do realize that there are far more worse things than death"

"Well newsflash, I have been living a life far much worse than death"

"Alpha, you need to make a choice, right now"

"What do you mean by that Zerabi "

"A mate for a mate remember. You took the one thing that I treasured and so now I will do the same but unlike you, I am going to give you a choice "

"This is no time for games Zerabi"

"I never mentioned any games being played Alpha. Now choose. Who would you save. Your weak and pathetic human mate or your current Luna whom you have marked"

"You are not being fair Zerabi. This isn't a choice at all"

"Time is ticking Alpha. I am curious though. Who will you save."

I let out a cold laugh

Not because it was funny, but because I already knew what the answer would be

It was never going to be me

And I knew that

But it ...somewhat did sting.

"Should I have a small countdown"

I felt his fingers graze my cheek

"Andrea I.."

"You're pathetic, you know that right"

"I'm sorry but I ... I marked her and fuck this is messed up"

"It was never going to be me. I already knew that"



"I'm so sorry Andrea"


"Please say something,I ..."



I laughed again

Probably too hard because I felt my eyes water .

There was probably no way out but down huh

I could hear the rogues charge towards me

Then came the feel of their claws on my skin

And then I couldn't feel anything anymore

And then darkness

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