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The shock that took root within Dia couldn't be expressed in words. She was a possessive person by nature, and for someone to come and stake claim over someone she had considered hers was stroking the last streaks of sanity that reigned in her possessive side. If unleashed, that monster would be one of the nastiest creatures ever. The expressions of the other two weren't any less. As far as they had known, Suyansh was still single, Suyansh didn't show even the slightest interest in any other girl, nor had he even bothered much to hang out with them. It mainly was the lab, a few of those from the lab, and Declan. Where did this woman come into the entire picture? 

The audacity of her to just come up and say those words and walk away. How dare she?! As the shock wore off, Diahna was starting to get pissed. 

"Who does that woman think she is?" she asked in a low voice edged with fury. 

"Dia. Calm down. For all we know, Suyansh is still single. We had Declan confirm that for us. So whatever she says, it is not reciprocated," replied Sienna.

"Suyansh may be single, but he certainly never confirmed his interest in anyone. What right does this woman have to tell me to back off?!"

They heard the door open and footsteps rushing in. 

"I hope you don't do anything irrational, Dia. Please," Suyansh's voice came as he appeared before her. 

"So you wish to defend her?" she questioned.

"No. It's not like that. What I meant -"

"Enough! Enough Suyansh! Girls. Sorry, but I am heading back," said Dia as she stormed out of the cafe. 

Suyansh, Sienna, and Shanvi were left staring at her retreating form. Suyansh turned and looked at the two girls. They were now staring at him, out of anger or disgust he couldn't figure out.

"Listen, girls, I never meant to defend that one. All I wanted was to look out for Dia. She does irrational things or speaks without thinking when she is upset. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"We get it. But I think it would have helped if you led with your reason first," Sienna said. She felt terrible for the guy, but Dia was sensitive when angry, especially when she felt helpless. It is best to let her vent it out before trying to prevent her from doing things she will regret. This guy knew their friend well, but not exactly well enough. 

"We are her best friends, Suyansh. We will look out for her. Don't worry," Shanvi said in a reassuring tone. Suyansh stood there, taking in what they both told him momentarily before whispering a thankyou and leaving the place. 

"Is it me, or does the guy care about Dia?"  asked Sienna once he had gone.

"Well, I feel he does. Yet something is off. It's almost like he isn't sure about his own feelings. After all these days of acting aloof, this morning, he was acting sorta jealous when he saw Dia with Siddharth. Well, according to what Dia was saying anyways," Shanvi replied, eyeing Sienna. The jerk was impossible to miss. 

"So, like Dia and Siddharth are close? Is she moving on?" asked Sienna in a soft voice.

"Well, looks like someone finally caught the eye of our Sienna," exclaimed Shanvi, making Sienna gasp.

"What. Um. No. I don't know what you are talking about."

"Ah, come on, darlz. Really? You aren't, even the slightest, interested in Siddharth guy?"

"What. No. I mean, come on. Dia is interested in that guy. This is a chance for her to move on. Well, in case Suyansh gives her a cold shoulder again, it would be great to have this guy about."

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