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Sienna didn't know exactly how to feel about the situation she was in. She liked the guy. She didn't even think she would be running into him for a second time that very day. He was sweet and mesmerizing. She couldn't help but blush and go shy with that guy around. Not to mention the things his voice did to her. His deep voice. "No!" she thought, that was almost like betrayal. She can't think like that about a guy who her friend likes. It's not right. But why does her heart beat a bit fast when he runs into her? Probably the adrenaline. Well. No thinking about that guy. "For someone who isn't thinking about that guy, you seem to think about him a lot!" Her head mocked. She scowled. Her own thoughts were mocking her. Great. Grunting to herself, she walked ahead, going to the place where she had promised to meet the girls for brunch before they all got busy for the week.

It was a Monday, and as usual, it meant a bit of slack before the entire workload hit them. Most of their assignment submissions were on Sunday night, which meant they had to work throughout the week, collect the results, and have them analyzed by Sunday night, then the very next day they got loaded again with work to do. That's why they decided to have this brunch on a Monday as now the weightage of their respective subjects was starting to kick in, and that meant they also got their Saturdays and Sundays full. But what she didn't expect on a Monday morning was running into Siddharth. That too twice. The first time, she had run away, and for the second time, she wasn't that lucky. The guy had caught her arms to prevent her from falling. She totally related to how Dia had reacted when she told about the guy being sweet and cute. He sincerely apologized, too.

She was still mesmerized by his brown orbs. The way the light hit them and how they seem to change colors. It wasn't entirely brown. It has specks of gold embedded within it. That was when she heard his voice. Damn, his voice. It was as soothing as she remembered it that morning.

"I am really sorry, I mean, I really should pay attention to where I go," he had told, still holding her in his arms.

"No. I, too, wasn't paying attention. I am sorry," she had replied.

"No. I couldn't properly apologize this morning either. I am sorry."

"I had labs. That was why I rushed. I am sorry if it had come off rude," Sienna replied. Whilst deep in, she knew it was just part of the reason.

"Well, now either one of us should stop saying sorry, or else this cycle isn't going to end," he replied with a small chuckle. She blushed. Sienna realized that she was still in his arms and slowly moved to stand. It was then she realized how tall the guy was, for she herself was tall and yet she had to look up to him when he spoke. That was when the guilt struck. Didn't Dia express her interest in this guy? Then why was she here feeling all shy in his presence? This was bad.

"Thank you for not letting me fall." With these few words and a subtle nod, she started walking away from him as fast as she could. She dared not even look back at him.

She had made her way to the spot they said they were to meet when she let out a sigh of relief. She looked back with longing in her eyes. For reasons unknown, she wished he had come after her or made an attempt to speak to her, apart from the fact of running into her each time they met. She then immediately felt guilty for even thinking like that about him.

"Well, it looks like someone is eager!" Shanvi's voice called out.

"Ah!" Sienna was startled almost, "Hey guys. When did y'all get here?"

"You have been spacing out. You usually don't space out. Is everything alright?" Diahna asked. This was all it took for Sienna to get flustered again. She couldn't comprehend what to say to her. Was she to tell her own best friend that she may now have a crush on the only guy she found cute apart from Suyansh? That was ridiculous. She had firsthand seen how much Dia had been affected by that guy. She couldn't ruin the chance of her friend finding happiness.

"Sienna!" Shanvi shook her shoulder. Sienna looked positively startled, and this made Shanvi even more suspicious. Something was off.

"Sorry. Got another load of work due by the end of this week. That's why I can't focus that easily," said Sienna, sounding apologetic. Diahna didn't seem to notice the entire turmoil of emotions cascading across Sienna's face as her own thoughts were consuming her. Shanvi, on the other hand, didn't miss it. She also didn't miss that the particular expression took form when she turned towards Dia.

Keeping it in mind to ask her what it was about when they were alone, Shanvi turned the convo to what they were to get for their brunch, which was now almost becoming their lunch.

The trio went to the small cafe nearby and decided to get their brunch there. It was cute and cozy and, most importantly, scarcely populated. After having a look around, Dia went on to explain to Sienna what had happened that morning. She didn't dwell much on the part of Siddharth, but Shanvi didn't miss the jerk in Sienna as Dia mentioned the name. Shanvi was convinced something was truly upsetting Sienna and that something had something to do with this Siddharth guy.




Suyansh saw the trio of girls walking into the cafe nearby as he was crossing to the other side. He couldn't help but stop and admire her as she walked amongst them. So casually looping her hands with Shanvi and speaking about something so animatedly.

She was definitely a sight to watch. She always had been. He could see traces of the girl he met 4 years ago. The carefree girl. The loud one. The one who didn't give a thought to what others thought. She was a force and a good one, too. He remembered their first interaction. He had wondered who this human of high energy was. She didn't mind that they were new to the lab. She owned the place from the moment she walked in. A bright smile and high energy made him almost scared to even converse with her. He had admired her from afar in the initial days, too timid to go up and speak to her.

The entire gang was lively. Yet she stood out. She made it lively. He could very well see that one girl had a language barrier, yet she made that girl feel included too. There was only a single guy amongst them, and he was quiet, given the new environment. She made him feel comfortable. She was able to mingle so well and bond so effortlessly.

Thinking back to what happened that morning, he felt he overreacted. Maybe that guy was another good friend she had taken under her wing. She did have a knack for making friends. Yet the sole fact that she was comfortable around that guy and stiffened up when he came irked him.

With a sigh, he turned to go where he was headed when he turned back so fast, giving himself almost a whiplash.





Dia was letting out her frustration about Suyansh when she felt someone tap her shoulder. On turning, she saw a young woman around their age.

"Hi. So I happened to slightly overhear what you girls were talking about, especially you, my dear. Well, I would like to let you know that despite whatever your past history may have been, Suyansh is mine, and I highly suggest you stop even bothering that tiny brain of yours about him."

With these words, she turned and walked out.

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