Chapter 3

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??? POV

I'm getting closer to Jackson, I don't even really know what the hell I'll do, maybe just a quick night raid for resources, or maybe I'll put my sneaking skills to the test and try to kill as many as I can before I get detected.

I don't believe they'll ever try to enter our forest again but I can't be too sure, maybe they're retards or something like that, no one knows.

Fact is that we don't like outsiders, except if they want to join us which I doubt would've been the case with those guys.

Some clicking could be heard in the distance before me.

When I came close enough to see the Clicker, I also saw a bunch of killed walkers next to it.

The Clicker was missing a leg, looks like it was shot off by a high caliber gun.

Those guys are pretty well armed for a bunch of unorganized, lost survivors.

I thought as I examined the damaged Clicker on the ground before me.

Once I got bored by its clicks, I raised my foot up and crashed it down on its head, crushing it beneath my sandal.

But before I moved on, I chose to put the map on its body and pierced through it with one of my daggers, right through the marked place of Jackson.

I did this so that if the other members of the Legion would ride out to search for me, they would know where I went.

After this, I kept moving and picked up the pace since there was a storm approaching and I wasn't in the mood to hang around during rain and storm.

This weather would come in handy later though, when I will sneak around Jackson.

Ellie POV

It was night already, we've all made it back to Jackson safely, Dina and I were now on top of the watchtower, looking through binoculars to see if someone followed us.

Dina: See? Nobody's out there, just like I said.

Ellie: Keep looking, we can't be too sure.

Dina: Ellie. We've been looking for almost twenty minutes now, there's nobody out there.

Ellie: Maybe they're just pretty good at hiding.

Dina: Unless they have the power to turn themselves invisible, I doubt that.

Ellie: Alright, if you say so.

Dina: You're pretty stressed out lately, huh?

She asked, gently putting her hand on my cheek.

Ellie: No...I mean, yeah, kinda.

Dina: Why? Everything has been pretty calm, hasn't it?

Ellie: Well, yeah. But we're running out of food and stuff.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Dina: That's just another one of Joel's worries, without any justification. We have enough food to make it through the winter. That's more than enough. Think about this, it's only autumn and we already have more than enough food to pull through the winter.

Ellie: Yeah, but what will happen after that? After the winter? We have nothing to hunt. Nature is exhausted, or rather, we exhausted nature with all our hunting.

Dina: Then we'll just move on and find a new place to stay.

Ellie: Worked pretty well till now, huh?

Dina: Oh come on, if Joel can't read a map and see that this place was under the control of some lunatics, that's not our fault.

Ellie: I just want to get away from here.

Dina: You really don't like this place, do you?

Ellie: No, I don't. Too many people, too many bad memories.

Dina: There are some good people in here as well.

Ellie: I know, I'm not saying that there aren't. It's just that most of them are assholes. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that you guys let us in but still, fuck this place.

Dina: I feel the same way, so I really get what you're saying, trust me, I do.

Ellie: I guess I'll have to sit and wait for Joel and Tommy to find a new safe place.

Dina: Why don't we do it ourselves?

Ellie: What?

Dina: Let's run away, just you and me.

She proposed, moving her face closer to mine.

Ellie: Wait, what's that?

I asked pointing to outside the tower, to the big searchlight that was now shining up into the sky instead of shining into the forest.

Dina: Probably feel asleep.

She shrugged.

Ellie: Where's the guard? There's no one there.

I looked over to the second searchlight and saw the guard get hit in the head by an arrow and fall to the ground.

Ellie: Fuck!

I didn't hesitate to press the alarm button and make the sirens do their work.

Dina: What do we do?

Ellie: Get down and tell Joel what happened.

I said and made my way to the hatch to leave the tower, but was pulled back by Dina.

Dina: Are you nuts?! People are getting killed down there and you want to leave the only safe spot?

Ellie: You think we're safe up here?

Dina: Safer than-

An arrow hit the glass of the tower but got stuck in there halfway through, making the glass crack.

We both dived to the ground and crawled over to the control panel.

Dina: Shit, what now?

Ellie: I don't know! This is the first time I'm stuck inside a fucking tower!

Dina: Same.

??? POV

"You annoying little shits."

I mumbled to myself as I retreated from my attack position and went deeper into the forest to find a better spot to attack them.

Those two bitches hit the alarm...but it was my damn fault.

I was angry at them but deep inside I was just angry at myself for botching this raid.

If the first guy wouldn't have pulled on the searchlight while falling down, those two wouldn't even have noticed that there was something wrong.

Once I found a safer and higher spot to stalk them, I saw that they've already opened the gate and are now walking around and looking around the place, they're probably searching for the guards that were patrolling outside of Jackson.

Little did they know that I had taken care of them way before I took out the two searchlight guys.

"Have fun searching for them, let's see how long it'll take for you to find them."

I whispered with a smile, knowing that I hid all five of them all around the area.

It Can't Be For Nothing | Ellie Williams X Male Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon