Chapter 2

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Ellie POV

Ellie: Joel! Tell me who the fuck that was, now!

Joel: We don't have time for that, we have to get to Jackson first.

Ellie: You can't talk while you walk?

Tommy: Ellie, let it be.

Joel: Yeah, we will explain everything to you once we're back home.

Ellie: Why can't you do it now?

Joel: Because I don't want the group to freak out.

Dina: Is there something to freak out about?

She asked, coming closer to us.

Ellie: Apparently there is, but they don't wanna tell us.

Tommy: We'll tell you when we-

Ellie: You'll tell me now. I need to know what the hell is going on.

Joel: Ellie, you don't have to be a pain in my ass 24/7, okay? Let me think for a minute at least.

Ellie: I'm a pain in your ass? Your ass wouldn't have even made it to Jackson without me.

Tommy: Alright, listen, we stepped into some bad territory, okay? There are bad people over there.

Ellie: People that dress in some old warrior attires? Do they think they're some kind of ancient soldiers or something?

Tommy: I'm questioning the mental state of them as well and it doesn't look good for them.

Ellie: So what do those people do besides protecting their creepy little forest?

Tommy: They're trying to expand and claim new territory, especially Negan's territory.

Ellie: Okay, I mean, I don't like Negan either but what's their beef with him?

Tommy: His men shot down a group of them, so now they're out there avenging their fallen brothers.

Ellie: They're hiding in bushes with machetes and bows, and they're trying to get to Negan? That's the funniest thing I heard all day.

Joel: Well, it wasn't so funny for us, was it?

Ellie: They used a sneak attack on us, that's unfair.

Tommy: Still, they got three of us, we only got one of them and I got a fucking arrow in my shoulder.

Ellie: Okay, okay, I get it, the bushmen are strong and shouldn't be underestimated.

Dina chuckled at my bushmen comment and shook her head.

Viktor: Geez, you two ignorant girls really don't know who the Legion is, do you?

Dina: The Legion?

Viktor: Yeah, the guys that attacked us, they're the Legion.

Joel: Viktor, let's not go too deep into his topic.

Ellie: Wait, they're the ones that killed Riley?

Joel: Ellie...

Ellie: You called them the Legion, it's them, isn't it?

Joel: ...Yeah.

Four years ago

Joel POV

Riley: Shit!

She cursed as she barely made it behind cover before two arrows hit the tree next to us.

Joel: Keep calm Riley. We're almost out of here, just a little bit more and we're through.

Riley: Those psychos won't let us leave.

It Can't Be For Nothing | Ellie Williams X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now