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Amira was being taken to the castle, for her dad to question her actions. "I didn't do anything wrong, getting me in trouble won't help you in any way." Amira said angrily. The guard didn't say a word, he just kept walking through the village. Once they arrived to the Castle, Amira struggled to get away even more. The guard was over it, and just picked her up. He carried her into the castle, setting her down in front of the king.
"In trouble again Amira?" Said the king, standing firmly. The guard cleared his throat, "she was reading a book." He said.
The king chuckled, "well, she's a smart girl. Of course she was reading."
"Excuse me for my lack of words your highness, she was reading a forbidden book." The guard said, bowing to the king. Amira looked to her father, staring at his eyes. His expression changed very quickly. "What kind of forbidden book." He spoke. The guard just stared at the king, wanting him to take the hint. The king got furious, taking a glass off the table the throwing it. The glass smashed against the wall, shattering into pieces. He glared down at Amira, then back at the guard. "Who would give her such a thing?" The king said angrily. "The librarian, Mrs. Sun. I believe she keeps these kinds of books." The guard said standing still. The king grunted. "Take my daughter to the room, lock her up for the night." Amira looked worried. "Father no! I didn't do anything wrong!" The guard picked her up. The king stood there, "I know princess, it's not your fault." The king said, walking off. Amira would scream to be released, the guard dragging her to her room.

Guards surrounded the library, during the night. Kicking down the front door. The door would burst open, frightening Luke and his mother. "What's the meaning of this!" Luke's mother said being thrown out of the library. Her dress getting dirty by landing on the dirt road. The king stepped forward, while the guards tied her hands with rope. Luke yelled while his hands were being tied too. "You will pay the price for exposing my daughter to forbidden books in my kingdom." The king spoke. "I didn't know! It wasn't my fault!" She pleaded. The king didn't budge, and ordered the guards to pull her and her son to the middle of the village.

In the middle of the village, two rails were placed. They would be tied there for their punishment. Once both mother and son were tied, the king spoke. "For your punishment, you can either watch your son suffer, or let him watch you suffer." Luke's mother had tears roll down her face. "This isn't fair! You're a cruel king!" She yelled. "Decide now, or both of you suffer." He said grabbing her face. As he let go, more tears rolled down her face. She stared at her son, his expression was scared. "Let me suffer then. I wouldn't be able to live with myself after seeing him suffer." She spoke. Luke's eyes filled with more tears. The king stared at her, disgusted. "Set her on fire." The king said. Luke's mother cried, "no please! Please don't!"

Fire, so much fire. Luke sobbed watching his mothers skin burn. She didn't even look like a person anymore. Her screams got more quiet when she collapsed to her knees.
She had burned alive.
The heat from the fire still heating up Luke's skin.
Luke sobbed, after everything, Luke turned his head to see the guards throwing all the books out of the library, burning them too. Every single one of them.

That day was a blur for Luke, it's like he remembered it so well, but didn't believe it was happening through his eyes that very moment.

The guards untied Luke, after all the burning was finished. Only ash was left, piles of ash. The guards threw him to the dirt, leaving him there.
Not only did Luke not have a mom, he no longer had a friend.

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